How to Create Digital Art in Procreate

Procreate is a free digital art app for Windows, which allows you to paint, draw, animate, and more. It comes with many features, including color matching and undo and redo buttons. You can also use the wrench icon to open the “Actions” menu, which gives you a range of options including adding a new image, copying an existing one, repositioning the canvas, exporting an image, and even a video of your creation in progress. Procreate also has a brush library and layers.
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Procreate Digital Illustration App Questions and Answers
1.On your iPhone, launch the Procreate Pocket app. This will take you to the gallery, where you can view all the drawings you have created using the app. You can open a drawing for editing by tapping on it or create a new canvas to begin creating something from scratch. Start with a blank canvas. 2. Tap the plus sign (plus). It is located in the upper right-hand corner. This brings up the menu for the New Canvas. 3. Give using a canvas template a shot. If you’d like to start immediately, you can use any of the pre-configured canvas sizes. 4. To open a new canvas and begin working on it, tap the name of the canvas or its size. Tap Custom Size to create a custom canvas. You are free to start with a blank canvas if using pre-made templates isn’t your thing. This allows you to set the time-lapse settings, the dimensions, color profile, and properties of the canvas. 5.Tap Done to create your canvas. This will create a new canvas for you if you previously edited one of the presets or created a new canvas from scratch.
Utilizing the smudge tool is the quickest and most straightforward method for producing a blended effect in Procreate.
- Prepare Your Artwork To begin, you will have to select an already-existing illustration from which you would like to create an animated version (or, if you prefer, you can start from scratch and create one). Swiping to the right on the canvas icon and clicking the “duplicate” button will create a second copy of the illustration that can be used for animation. If you ever need to adjust the initial design or use it, you will always have access to an unaltered version of your illustration that contains all its layers.
- Activate the Animation Assist function. After that, you will need to activate the animation tool included in Procreate, known as Animation Assist. Navigate to the icon that looks like a wrench in the top left corner of the screen, clicks on the word “canvas,” and then turn on the feature that says “Animation Assist.” This will show a new toolbar for animation at the bottom of the screen when you click this.
- Add a Frame and Slightly Adjust the Image After that, you will start making incremental adjustments by creating duplicate frames of the image you have already prepared. Holding down the “add frame” button on the Animation Assist toolbar will cause a second frame to appear, which you can then use to duplicate the current frame. Proceed to the fourth step. Adding New Frames and Making Adjustments You will be able to create an animation that is longer and more fluid if you add more frames.
- You will need to carry out the steps outlined However, before making adjustments to the animation, ensure that you have a copy of the most recent frame you have created rather than the frame that was used initially.
- Finalize You might notice that it has a jerky appearance because of the movement you created, but this is completely up to you. This occurs because the default setting for the animation in Procreate is to loop the movement. This means that it plays the animation from beginning to end and then begins playing from the beginning once more. The sixth step is to export and share. When you’re finished with your GIF and happy with how it turned out, Procreate makes it simple to broadcast your work to the rest of the world. You can choose to share an animated GIF, animated PNG, or animated MP4 file by clicking the wrench icon in the upper left corner of the screen, then clicking “share.” A drop-down menu will then provide you with these three format options.
There is neither a free version nor a trial available for Procreate. Before you can start using the app, you will need to make a purchase of it first.
You can purchase Procreate through the App Store for the price of $9.99.
When you are in the Layers menu, use two fingers to tap on the layer whose opacity you want to change. You should now be able to close the Layers menu and to adjust the opacity, you can use your finger or a pen to drag it anywhere on the screen from left to right. You need to look near the top of the screen to find the opacity setting.
To round off the text. When you use the warp tool in Procreate, you need to make sure that all of your text layers are selected. Click the tab labeled “Transform tool,” then select the “Warp” option from the drop-down menu. Your text should have the ends brought in, and the middle brought out. Carry on in this manner until you arrive at the curve you desire.
Open the stack that you intend to dismantle as your first step. Keep one canvas in the stack pressed while dragging it to the top left corner of the screen. Continue doing this until the screen returns to your gallery.
The trick is to only make very slight adjustments to those duplicated layers. Because of this, the animation will be more fluid. After that, continue to duplicate the groups you adjusted, but this time add some small movements. You can change the number of layers visible below the layer you are currently working on by going to the Settings Menu on the Adjustments Bar.
You can click the “duplicate” button on the layer panel after swiping left on the layer panel. You can also copy and paste a layer by clicking the copy button within the layer’s settings and then selecting paste from the wrench tool menu after you have done so. This is an additional method.
The traditional “bucket fill” tool is not available in the Procreate app. To color fill in Procreate, tap and drag the color disc in the top right corner of your screen onto your subject. The subject will be colored in the chosen hue as soon as the button is pressed.
- To move the cursor, press the arrow button. It is located in the upper menu bar on the left side of the page.
- At the very bottom of the screen, a menu bar will appear.
- Click the “Freeform” button.
- You now can either horizontally or vertically mirror your drawing.
A single tap is all it takes to insert text into your document. To add text, navigate to Actions > Add > Add Text. Your canvas will display a bounding box with the word “Text” within its confines.
Hold down a tap in Procreate over the part of your image you want to sample color from while you try to match colors from there. A ring will surround your cursor as it becomes active. The color currently sampled is denoted by the lower half of the ring, while the upper half shows the newly introduced color. When the new color is made available, it will be sampled.
You can make Procreate more useful by downloading and importing new brushes and brush sets. Go to the Brush Library and press the plus button to make a brand-new brush.
Tap a layer to bring up the Layer Options menu in the Layers panel, then select the Merge Down option. A simple pinch gesture allows you to combine several different groups into one. Pull the top and bottom layers closer together so that they can be combined. These will become one entity, along with each layer that was present in between them.
To select several layers at once in Procreate, open the Layers panel and then swipe right across each of the layers that you want to select. The primary layer that you are working on will be highlighted in brilliant blue. The dark blue color will be applied to highlight the other layers you have selected. To deselect a layer, swipe right on it again and it will disappear from your selection.
Tap the canvas with two fingers while holding them down to undo a sequence of actions. After a brief pause, Procreate will quickly iterate through all the most recent changes you’ve made. Remove your fingers from the canvas once more to put an end to it.
To color fill in Procreate, tap and drag the color disc in the top right corner of your screen onto your subject. The subject will be colored in the chosen hue as soon as the button is pressed.
- Select the layers tab by clicking on its icon. Tap the icon in the upper right corner of your Procreate toolbar that looks like two squares stacked on top to gain access to this feature.
- Choose the layer you want to remove from the image. Click on the layer you want to remove, either with your finger or your Apple Pencil.
- Swipe left. Swipe to the left on the layer that you have selected, either with your finger or the Apple Pencil if you have it.
- Click Delete. Simply selecting the Delete button will remove your layer.
- To begin, tap the tool icon. This is located in the upper-left-hand corner of the Procreate window. This brings up the Actions menu in the menu bar.
- Tap Canvas. It is the icon that looks like a folder that is located at the very top of the Actions menu.
- Tap Edit Drawing Guide. It belongs to the second category of possible settings. After that, you’ll see the Drawing Guides screen.
- Tap the button labeled “Symmetry.” This is on the right side of the bar at the bottom of the screen. A vertical symmetry guide will appear in the middle of the canvas as the Guide Options window expands further.
- Pick a symmetry guide to go in which direction. When you use a symmetry guide, whatever you draw on one side of the guide will automatically appear symmetrically on the other side. 6. Make adjustments to the guides. You can change the location of the mirroring by dragging any of the guides to a different position. The placement of the guides is not fixed in any way. 7. To alter the reflection, activate the rotational symmetry setting (optional). The default symmetry mode, referred to as Mirror Symmetry, will rotate and mirror anything you draw on the opposite side of the guide. If you would rather flip and rotate (that is, flipping both horizontally and vertically), you can turn on “Rotational Symmetry” by toggling the switch to the “On” position. 8.To return to the canvas, tap the Done button. At this point, your guides will appear on the canvas. This indicates that you are prepared to begin drawing symmetrical lines. 9. You can use your finger or a stylus to draw. While you are drawing, the symmetrical mirror image of your creation will appear on the opposite side of the guide (s).
Yes. The application known as Procreate is extraordinarily powerful and is an excellent choice for both amateurs and seasoned professionals. If you are interested in creating digital artwork or illustrations, Procreate is an excellent app that is well worth the investment.
To crop an image in Procreate, open the Actions tab by clicking on the wrench icon. Click the Crop and Resize button after ensuring that the Canvas option is selected in the drop-down menu. You can adjust your canvas by dragging the crop box around, or you can go to the Settings tab and manually enter the dimensions you want.
- Create a new document in square format. This is of the utmost significance. If you begin with a rectangle canvas, the stamp brush you end up with will have an angled appearance. Draw your design. If this is your first time creating a brush in Procreate, start with a straightforward design.
- Draw your design. If this is your first time creating a brush in Procreate, start with a straightforward design.
- Click the copy canvas button in the actions panel (the wrench in the top left corner).
- Begin painting with a new brush.
- Click the paste shape button after the shape editor has been opened.
- To flip the colors, tap the picture with two fingers at the same time.
- In the menu for the stroke path, adjust the spacing so that it reads “max.”
- If you want more jitter, turn up the volume. I set mine to 107%.
- Raise the scatter value in the menu for the shape. I set mine to 57%. (If you do not want the stamp brush styles to be dispersed randomly, you should leave this setting at 0).
- Increase the amount of rotation. I set mine to 30%. (Once more, if you want your stamp to remain facing a particular direction, you should keep this value at 0.)
- In the settings for the Apple pencil, reduce the amount of opacity to 0. (If you want transparent shapes, keep them at their maximum value.) You are also free to experiment with the sizes.
- Utilize the “Use stamp preview” option, which can be found in the properties menu. You also can alter the minimum and maximum sizes in this section. I have my maximum set at 434%.
- Create a New Blank Canvas
At the bottom of the menu, you’ll find an option to create a custom canvas size. For a sticker sheet, the size can be up to 1571 pixels by 2367 pixels at a resolution of 300 dpi. - Draft your sticker.
Tap the symbol that looks like a brush near the top right corner of the screen to select a brush to use for sketching. This makes the Brush Library available to use. You will find a variety of brushes to choose from in the section labeled “Sketching.” - Add Color
To activate a new layer, touch the icon that looks like overlapping squares, and then touch the plus sign in the screen’s upper-right corner. This will result in the creation of “Layer 2.” You have the option of renaming your layers something like “sketch” and “color,” or you can leave them in their current state. - Group the layers.
After you have completed coloring all of the layers of the sketch to your liking, you can combine the layers by tapping on the top layer and selecting the “merge down” option from the contextual menu that appears.
Select the Sticker, and then Move It to the Desired Location.
After that, click the “select” icon at the top of your screen. It looks like a ribbon to me. Choose Freehand from the drop-down menu that appears when the selection panel opens. This feature enables you to draw a dotted line around your drawing, select it, and then relocate it anywhere you like on the screen.
Import the picture into Procreate, and then delete the background there. To hide your work, turn off the visibility and deactivate the background layers checkbox. To change the background, open the selection setting, and use a stylus to make your selection. The background can be removed by selecting “cut” from the menu.
Importing a photograph or piece of artwork into your Procreate design using the “Insert an image” button found in the Actions tab is the first step in the tracing process on Procreate. The opacity of the image that you imported should be lowered, and a new layer should be added on top of it. Follow the contours of the inserted image on your new layer using a tracing tool.
There is no fee to subscribe or renew your membership. The app only requires a one-time payment from the user.
Draw the shape you want and press firmly with the pencil to make the line as smooth as possible.
- When you select multiple layers, the Group option will become visible in the top right corner of the Layers panel. If you tap it, the selected layers will be gathered into a Group.
- You can expand or collapse the group at any time by using the arrow located to the right of the Group.
- You can select a Group in the same way you select layers—as either a Primary or Secondary selection.
To make a new brush, you need to tap the plus button. To import a brush from the Files app, navigate to the top right of the screen and select the Import button. The brush will show up in the Imported folder of your computer.
Keep your pencil resting on the canvas as you draw the shape. After a short while, the “Edit Shape” option will promptly become visible at the very top. When you enter the Edit Shape mode, the available options are based on the shape you initially created. In Procreate, selecting the Oval Shape Tool and then selecting the Circle Shape Tool will result in a perfect circle.
Create a line or shape while maintaining pressure with your finger on the canvas. After a short while, QuickShape will begin operating on its own automatically. When you release the mouse button, your stroke will automatically “snap” into the shape of a perfect line, arc, poly-line, ellipse, triangle, or quadrilateral.
In conjunction with one of the program’s airbrushes, the smudge tool is the most effective tool for creating shading and blending in Procreate. It is possible to achieve the best shading and fading for both small and precise areas, as well as large and sweeping areas, by adjusting the size of the smudge brush. Adjusting the size of the brush allows for this.
No. There is currently no version of Procreate for either Mac or Windows.
To blur an image in Procreate, go to the Edit menu, select the Adjustments tab, and then select either the Gaussian Blur, the Motion Blur, or the Perspective Blur option. Select the Layer option from the drop-down menu to blur an existing layer. You can apply your blur to smaller sections of your Procreate canvas by selecting the Pencil option and then drawing over the area you would like to have blurred.
You can make your pixel art with the help of this free brush set for Procreate called Pixel Art for Procreate. You’ll be making pixel art in no time at all with the help of a handy and informative user guide, as well as four different brushes and three canvases that are already prepared and ready to go.
If you double-tap the text, the Text Entry Companion will be activated. To open the Edit Style panel in the Text Entry Companion, tap on the font name you want to use. When you are finished, you can close the Edit Style panel by either tapping off your text or beginning to make changes to other layers.
Modify the opacity of a layer by using two fingers to tap on the layer in the Layers menu and select the “Modify Opacity” option. You should now be able to close the Layers menu and adjust the opacity. You can use your finger or a pen to drag it anywhere on the screen from left to right.
After the image file has been successfully downloaded to your computer, open the PNG file, and then select File > Print from the menu bar. Check the document’s appearance in the Print Preview and ensure it is accurate; if necessary, select “Print Entire Image.”
Tap the Edit Drawing Guide button located under Actions > Canvas. This will take you to the screen that displays the Drawing Guides. To use the Symmetry feature, select the button at the screen’s bottom.
The traditional “bucket fill” tool is not available in the Procreate app. To color fill in Procreate, tap and drag the color disc in the top right corner of your screen onto your subject. The subject will be colored in the chosen hue as soon as the button is pressed.
To add text, navigate to Actions > Add > Add Text. After you have modified the text to your satisfaction, select Edit Style > Import Font from the menu. You can now navigate to the location of your font within the Files app by using the folder you saved it in. Simply tapping it will import it, and the Fonts list in Procreate will show it there.
Altering the order of your Procreate layers is another option. To reorder the layers, tap and hold on to the Layer you want to move, then drag it to the new position.
To add text to a canvas, navigate the wrench menu and select Add > Text from the drop-down menu. It will open a text window allowing you to type letters directly onto the canvas more quickly.
- iPad Pro 12.9-inch (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th generation)
- iPad Pro 11-inch (1st, 2nd, and 3rd generation)
- iPad Pro 10.5-inch.
- iPad Pro 9.7-inch.
- iPad (9th generation)
- iPad (8th generation)
- iPad (7th generation)
- iPad (6th generation)
To function properly on an iPad, Procreate does not require access to the internet or WiFi. You can still fully use all of Procreate’s features when you’re not connected to the internet. Only when it needs to download updates or share files does Procreate require an internet connection.
Yes, Procreate works on iPad Air 2 (4th generation and 3rd generation).
- Open Files App.
- Navigate to the iCloud Drive app.
- Make a new folder on your computer and name it “Procreate.”
- You can store the files you create in Procreate in the iCloud Drive folder titled “Procreate.”
To view an OBJ or USDZ file in augmented reality, open the file in Gallery and navigate to Actions > 3D > View in AR. When you do this for the first time, Procreate will inquire whether using the camera on the iPad is okay.
Create a new layer at the top of your layers list in Procreate, and then invert the colors of that layer. White should be used to fill in this layer. To use the Difference blend mode, open the blend mode settings for this new layer and select it from the drop-down menu. This will cause the opposite of every color currently on your canvas.
- To get started, make a radial gradient using three different colors. Launch the Procreate app and select a color to use as your base to get started. I’ve decided to draw the circle in red for this tutorial. Make sure the circle is big enough to cover the entire canvas, and once it’s the right size and centered on the canvas, fill in the edges with the same color to complete the effect. To keep things straightforward, I’ll draw the next circle on the same layer as the previous one. After deciding on a second color, draw a second circle and adjust its size to your liking. You can make it any size you like. You can make changes to the shape after you have drawn it. Then, add a contrasting color in the middle by drawing a circle in the center and filling it with yellow. This will complete the process. Creating the gradient is a child’s play at this point. Select Gaussian blur at the layer level from your adjustments menu. This will be your first step. The amount of blur you want to create can be determined by dragging your pencil across the page in the desired direction. You can set the gradient to be very smooth or slightly blurry in appearance. Both are fantastic options for setting the scene or providing depth to a character. And that concludes our walkthrough of creating radial gradients in Procreate.
- Procreate’s Step-by-Step Guide to Making Linear Gradients The next type of gradient that can be made in Procreate is a linear gradient, which resembles a sunset in some ways. The process is extremely comparable. To begin, peel away the first layer and then paint the entire surface with the same red color. You have a few different choices to make regarding this gradient. The simplest method is to select three colors and create a band for each color that runs across the canvas. There is no need to worry about being extremely precise at this point. If you want to add variety to your sunset, you could do some waves. The last step is to blur it by dragging the Gaussian blur tool over the layer that contains your colors. You now have a lovely background on which you can superimpose a drawing or silhouette.
To export files created in Procreate, open the Actions panel by clicking on the wrench icon. To share content, select the Share tab. You will be prompted to select the export formats you want to use for your work: Procreate file, PSD, PDF, JPEG, PNG, or TIFF. You also have the option to export your work as an animation when you do so.
To select several layers at once in Procreate, open the Layers panel and then swipe right across each of the layers that you want to select.
An incredible software called Procreate is utilized for digital painting and drawing. However, it is not compatible with Android devices and is only available for Apple’s iPhone and iPad.
Palm Support is the built-in alternative to Palm Rejection found in the Procreate app. You can use a regular capacitive stylus or your finger to operate it successfully. Palm Support enables you to use gestures while resting your palm on the surface of the iPad screen, so you don’t have to worry about accidentally drawing on your canvas.
Staying within your general Gallery in Procreate and clicking on the name of your stack will allow you to give it a new name. If you don’t give it a name, it will simply say “Stack.” Select that and type in your new name when prompted. When you need to rename a stack, you must go through this procedure again.
No. The app can only be used on Apple’s iPads and iPhones.
Thanks to this update, the Intuos Creative Stylus 2 from Wacom can now be used with Procreate version 2.3.
You are not required to use Apple Pencil or any other compatible stylus to draw in Procreate. On the other hand, both the technical possibilities and the drawing features available to you, as well as the creative options available to you, will be restricted. This application is best utilized with the use of a stylus.
Tap the Brush Set you want to delete to select it before you delete it. Repeatedly tapping it will bring up the menu of available options. Then tap Delete. Swipe left on the custom brush you want to delete, then tap the Delete button.
To turn off pressure sensitivity across Procreate, drag the dot in your pressure curve to the top right within your Procreate Preferences. To turn off pressure sensitivity for an individual brush, make a copy of the brush and set the size to zero in the Apple Pencil settings of the brush settings.
To make a transparent background in Procreate, open your layers panel and scroll down to the layer at the bottom of the list that shows your art’s background. Tap the checkmark on your background layer to uncheck it. This will remove your background from your Procreate art and make it transparent.
Every time you lift your stylus or finger, the Procreate app registers the change and saves it.
To turn off the symmetry settings in Procreate, click on the wrench to open the Actions tab, then click on Canvas. Turn off the toggle for the Drawing Guide.
Unfortunately, there’s no direct way to release a layer group. You’ll have to move each layer out of the group. To do this, hold a tap over one of the layers, causing it to float.
Procreate is not available for Windows, but plenty of alternatives run on Windows with similar functionality. The best Windows alternative is Krita, which is free and Open Source.
Alpha Lock lets you work without worrying about painting outside the lines. You can also lock linework to recolor parts without damaging your original lines.
If Procreate won’t download, or it doesn’t appear in the app store, your iPad is likely incompatible with the Procreate software, either due to age or out-of-date software.
To have a reference photo opened in Procreate, you need to turn this option on. To do that go to Actions (wrench icon) > Canvas > Reference.
The Alpha Lock in Procreate can be accessed through the Layers menu. Open the Layer panel and tap the layer you wish to apply Alpha Lock to, then tap Alpha Lock. Or you can use a shortcut and swipe right with two fingers on the layer to activate Alpha Lock.
Swipe to select a Secondary brush, which will then turn dark blue. The word Combine will appear at the top right of the Brush Library. Tap this to merge the two brushes into a single new brush with both qualities.
- Sketch out the shape. Making a rough sketch of a person and their hair is one of the most important steps you want to do. This will help you not only determine where the hair should go but also help you visualize the flow of the hair and where dark and lighter areas of the hair are.
- Make a hair base. Going to the “Layers” panel, we want to add a new layer for our “Hair base.” This will be the main color you will use to build on, adding darker and lighter strands. With the new layer created, select the color for the base. Using the “Script” brush to outline the shape of the hair and fill it in with the same color, making a solid shape of the hair.
- Add base undertones. We are going to add some dark undertones to support our base color. We want to keep this on a separate layer and use the clipping mask function. This will allow us to add color to the hair base and make corrections if needed without touching the hair base.
- Add layers of color. In this step, we will layer for layer and add a shade of color to build it up to a completed look. We aren’t using clipping masks for this step, as we want some of our curls to go over the base shape. We are also changing the brush to “Thin” to make the individual strands/sections of the hair.
- Making adjustments. If you want to adjust or fix one of the color layers, this is when to do it. We will work with layer opacity and blend modes on the mid and deep tones layers. You can change the colors of your layers but adjust the layers to get some nifty effects that you can’t get when changing colors. Going into the “Layers” panel, select a color layer you want to lower the opacity.
- Create the Drawing Guide
Create the drawing guide by employing the character pose stamp brushes appropriately. There are a stamp brush for the head, torso, arms, hands, legs, and feet. There is also a stamp brush for the hands. Adjust the size of the stamp brush as required. The torso should be added first. Ensure the Symmetry Guide is turned on for the hands, feet, arms, and legs. Because of this, it is much simpler, and you won’t have to draw each component separately. Adding the head and limbs to the torso should be done in separate layers. At long last, add the hands and feet on separate layers of their own. - Outline the person.
Adjust the opacity of the drawing guide layers, so they are less visible. Draw a caricature of the person’s outline. Turn on the Symmetry Guide and use it whenever you feel it’s necessary. You are not required to adhere to the guide in its entirety. You are welcome to sketch in any color you like.
-Sketch the garments.
Cover up the body’s guide layers with a mask. Create a sketch of the clothes on a new layer. Enable and make use of the Symmetry Guide in places that seem appropriate. - Draw the actual lines of the body and the clothes
Draw the head, the body, and the clothes in separate layers, referring to the sketch as you go. Once more, turn on the Symmetry Guide in any place where it could be useful. - Make a face and add the hair.
The head stamp brushes come with lines that indicate the appropriate placement of the eyes, nose, and lips. Using the stamp brushes included in Design Bundles, add the nose stamp and the lips stamp to separate layers of the image. The eyes should be added using realistic eyes stamp brushes on a new layer, which should have the Symmetry Guide turned on. Draw the eyebrows on a new layer with the Symmetry Guide turned on. Choose and use whichever hairstyle stamp brush best complements the shape of your face. - Adding Color and Shading
Turn off visibility for the guide and sketch layers. Add some color to give your character more personality. You can give your character any skin tone you want by using the color palettes for skin tones in Procreate.
- Open your Actions menu. Simply opening the Actions menu requires a click on the tool icon.
- Click on the button labeled Canvas. In the Actions menu, a button labeled “Canvas” is located two spots to the left of the menu’s leftmost position. Make sure you click on it.
- To rotate your canvas, you must first click the button.
- Start sketching from your shoulder.
- This is a very common trick based on traditional drawing techniques that professional artists have utilized for a long time. When drawing a line, you should not just use your wrist to move; you should try to make a move with your entire arm. The motion should be made with the entirety of your arm, beginning at your shoulder. Because you are engaging more muscles in action, you will have increased control over the movement due to what you are doing. You can exert greater control and precision over your lines if you do not rotate your wrist as you draw them.
- Adjust the slider for the StreamLine effect. This straightforward technique uses the engine built into Procreate to smooth your lines as you draw them automatically. It’s almost like magic; it can transform even the waviest line into a graceful and even stroke. Navigate to the settings of the brush you like to use the most. Proceed to the menu labeled “Stroke Path.” Bring the StreamLine slider to the right.
- Use a drawing glove Gloves are the ideal solution for the problem of making it easier to slide your hand across the screen. When drawing on paper, some traditional artists find that wearing gloves helps them avoid having their sweaty hands cling to the surface of the paper and prevents their charcoal from becoming smudged. When you’re creating a work of digital art on a glass surface, wearing a glove reduces the friction between your hand and the screen. This makes it easier for you to move smoothly across the surface.
- Start with a Blank Canvas When designing on the iPad, I almost always work in a square 8 inches by 8 inches and uses 300 dots per inch resolution. This size appeals to me because a swatch on Spoonflower is 8 inches by 8 inches, but when I print it at 300 dots per inch, I have more leeway to adjust the proportions of my design.
- Stay Within the Boundaries of the Canvas If you want to keep things straightforward, don’t let any of your work run off the side; instead, make sure that everything is contained within the borders of the canvas. After drawing all the lovely pictures, you want to see on your canvas, select a large brush and bring the opacity slider down to about half.
- Identify the Four Corners Draw a dot in each of the four corners of your canvas, taking great care not to let any of the elements in your drawing touch or overlap. Next, access the Layers panel, swipe left on the layer you want to duplicate, and click the Duplicate button (note for artists working with multiple layers: combine your layers into a group, then select and duplicate the group).
- Arrange the Individual Layers Click the “Transform” tool in the top left corner while you have one layer selected. Snapping and magnetics can be activated by turning the switch in the bottom left corner. Then, move the piece of art that has been selected up and off the canvas until yellow guides appear both vertically and horizontally as well as along both sides. Your image will be cut in half and removed from the canvas. De-select only after you have gained complete visibility of the guidelines.
- Perform a Snapping Test Now, select the second layer, click the Transform button, and move it in the opposite direction until the yellow and blue guides appear. After that, deselect the layer. The dots you added into the corners will now meet up in a clean and orderly fashion on opposite sides of the canvas. If you want to double-check that it worked, zoom in to take a closer look at those dots. The dots should be touching cleanly, and if you see a dark or white line where the dots meet, your image hasn’t snapped correctly. Tap with two fingers to undo what you just did, then try it again. You might also want to check all four sides of your canvas for white edges, which indicates that the image might not have been properly snapped to the side in the first place.
- Combine Your Different Layers Combine your two different layers into one. If you are working with two groups that contain many layers, you will need to drag the layers out of the groups and merge them one at a time before proceeding with your work. Fill in the blank areas but stay away from the sides of the canvas as you draw.
- Continue Positioning Repeat steps 3-6, but this time drag the layers to the left or right. This will complete the process. Check that everything snapped correctly by looking for overlapping areas in your dots and white edges on the canvas. Remember to check that everything snapped correctly. You are free to draw whatever you like in these blank spaces.
- Put Your Reps to the Test In my work, I frequently check the repeat by importing it into an application that enables me to tile 4 or 8 squares together in a short amount of time. For this purpose, I make use of Instagram’s Layout feature. You can save the image locally to your Images folder by selecting JPG after clicking the Share button in the tool panel. Keep your canvas open in Procreate and launch Layout before beginning the tiling process. After that, you can return to the window you were working in earlier in Procreate and make changes if something isn’t functioning properly.
- Post the completed design to the website. When satisfied with your design, you can easily upload it to Spoonflower from your device by following the on-screen instructions. Select Photo Library from the drop-down menu, and then look for the tile in your collection of photographs. After the image has been uploaded, you can change the dimensions, give it a title, and even order a sample without leaving the comfort of your couch.
Utilizing the Layer Options menu, you can convert any layer into a Clipping Mask. Tap the Primary layer to open the Layer Options menu, then select Clipping Mask from the list of available options. The layer that you have selected will turn into a Clipping Mask, which will be clipped to the layer below.
Tap the canvas with your three fingers to redo any action you have previously undone. You can choose to have your fingers together or spread them apart. Holding down three fingers on your canvas enables you to redo a sequence of actions quickly.
To begin the transfer process, navigate to your settings (the wrench icon), select Share, and choose the type of file you wish to send. The next step is to choose the location where you want this file to be saved or sent.
The term “Dots Per Inch,” also known as “DPI,” is used to measure an image’s resolution quality with a number value.
- Flowers and Plants.
- Simple Animated Art.
- Recreating Photos Into Digital Watercolor.
- Abstract Designs.
- Handcrafted Lettering.
- Tattoo Designs.
- Personalized Drawings.
- Water Droplet Drawing.
Paint, Smudge, and Erase are the three tools that can be found in the top right corner of the interface. These three tools all use the same Brush Library and operate similarly.
Procreate for Windows
You can download the Procreate app for Windows for free. It is designed for touchscreen devices and supports active stylus gestures. It is a great starter package for beginners. It’s not the best alternative to the procreate application, however, and if you’re an artist looking for more features, you’ll need to invest in a graphics tablet.
Procreate offers a large canvas, several types of brushes and pencils, tilt and pressure modes, and a variety of preset papers and textures. It also lets you use the active stylus to sketch with more detail. This is a very good alternative to Procreate for Windows, especially for manga artists.
Another option for a Windows Procreate alternative is PaintTool SAI, an open-source painting application with a simple interface. Its pressure support and full digitizer allow you to create high-quality anti-aliased drawings. This app is compatible with Windows and Mac computers, and features hundreds of brushes. It also offers a free trial version.
How to Blend on Procreate
The blending tool in Procreate is one of the many ways you can improve the appearance of your photographs. This tool will help you blend objects that are similar in color and tone. It is also helpful for blending in social situations, such as conversations. Using this tool will help you create more realistic looking photographs.
If you want to create an interesting blend, you can experiment with the different blending modes. To do this, go to the painting tool menu and select the “Blending” option. You can also go to the Procreate palette and click on the Clipping Mask icon to control the blending mode.
To apply a blend, make sure that both the colors are on the same layer. This will help you blend them in a controlled way. You can also experiment with the different brushes available to blend. To use a brush for blending, simply select it and set the Opacity slider to low. Then, choose the blending color and lightly draw in the area.

How to Animate on Procreate
To learn how to animate on Procreate, you first need to choose an animation assist file, which is a collection of photos, images, and text. Once you’ve selected an animation assist file, open it up in the animation assistant in Procreate. Then, you can save it as a new file.
When animating, you need to use layers to create your animation frames. You can lock your background layer as well. Use your layers to place your first ball in midair, and a second one of the same size and shape. You can duplicate the second one for added dynamism. You can reorder the layers to create a complex animation.
You can use Procreate’s animation feature called Animation Assist to add movement to your images. You can duplicate the frames of an animation or make incremental adjustments. You can also choose the speed of animation. You can also save your work to an online storage.
Procreate Palettes
Procreate’s color palettes offer an enormous selection of colors and can be customized for a specific project. This is a great feature for artists who want to create a unique style or define their personal color palette. Whether you’re using the iPad Pro Touch, there are a variety of palettes available for use. Each palette contains a wide range of colors and can be downloaded in PNG files for easy sharing and editing.
The first step to creating a color palette in Procreate is to select the image you’d like to use as the basis of the palette. To do this, open the Photos app and click the + symbol on the top-right corner. From there, select a photo and select it in the app. Once this has been done, the image will be copied to the Procreate application and a color palette named ‘Palette from image’ will be created.
Choosing the right color palette is a crucial step in creating an excellent Procreate illustration. Color palettes should have a well-lit range of hues so that Procreate can detect the colors. Choosing from the many color palettes available is often difficult. However, there are some tips that can help you make a selection that works for your particular needs.
Procreate Fonts
Fonts are a great way to add a unique touch to your designs in Procreate. Choose fonts that have an artistic feel or look handcrafted. Hand lettering fonts are great because they blend seamlessly into artwork. Ink stroke lettering fonts are especially great for headings and titles. The sweeping strokes of each letter flow between them and give them a personalized touch. Fonts made for illustration can also be used in Procreate.
Whether you are creating a logo, a headline, or a child-friendly design, you’re sure to find a Procreate font that meets your needs. If you’re a fan of art deco, a retro styled font can give your artwork a classic look. If you’re more into a hand-drawn style, check out the Envato Huelva font. This font is thick and playful, and includes uppercase and lowercase script letter designs.
Procreate fonts allow you to create unique works of art with endless aesthetics. You can create tattoo-style designs with a tattoo font, or you can create a nautical design with a nautical font. Whatever your creative style, Procreate’s fonts will make your work stand out.

Clipping Mask Procreate
In Procreate, clipping masks let you constrain input to the layer below. This is useful for experimenting without altering the original layer. Simply create a new layer and tap on the “clipping mask” option in the layer options menu. You can then place additional layers on top of the bottom layer. Any changes you make will be clipped to the base layer.
Clipping masks are similar to the alpha lock feature in Photoshop. You can add and remove art using the clipping mask feature, but they are not quite the same. Alpha lock works better for adding colour, dimension, and texture to your art. However, it cannot be used to change the original artwork.
For permanent additions, Procreate’s alpha lock feature is a good tool. However, be sure to select it when working with permanent markers. While it’s not as erasable as an erasable pen, it’s still useful for adding details to an already-existing work. However, be sure to use it with caution since it’s more likely to contaminate the original layer.
Best iPad for Procreate
The iPad Procreate is a 10.2-inch tablet designed for artists and designers. It features a large display and supports the first-generation Apple Pencil, so it is an excellent choice for creative users. If you’re looking for a smaller model, you may want to consider the iPad mini. This smaller model has a comparable display and performance, but you’ll pay more for it.
If you’re new to Procreate, you may be wondering which iPad is right for you. Fortunately, there are many models available. The iPad Mini is a popular choice for beginners, as it has an upgraded A15 processor and an 8.3-inch screen with crisp 2048-by-1536 resolution. It also supports the second-generation Apple Pencil.
Procreate is compatible with iPad models after 2015. The iPad Air 2 and iPad Mini 4 are not compatible, but if you have an older model, you may be able to start using Procreate as soon as you upgrade to a newer iPad.
Procreate Drawing Ideas
You can use Procreate to diversify your art or develop your skills. This software comes with a lot of features that can be used to create a range of different styles of artwork. You can learn how to use it by taking some basic lessons, or enroll in a drawing masterclass to learn how to use it to its fullest potential. Once you’ve mastered the basics, try these Procreate drawing ideas to make your work stand out.
Procreate also comes with a text editor that lets you change the font size and font style. You can even import your own fonts. The program also allows you to export your artwork as an image file. This feature is especially helpful for people who don’t have access to a computer. Once you have created your work in Procreate, you can save it in different formats, print it or email it.
Procreate allows you to export images in a variety of different formats, including JPEG, PNG, and PSD files. You can also import your drawing into other programs, such as Photoshop, if you’re using that software. In addition to exporting images, Procreate also lets you export videos of your drawing process. You can either record the entire process in full-length or short videos that show different stages of the process.