Praxis Social Studies Exam 2

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An increase in the interest rate in the US relative to its trading partners will most likely result in which of the following?

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Category - Economics, 15% of Social Studies Praxis If the interest rate increases in the US, foreign investors will transfer money to the US in order to get a better return on investment. As a result, the dollar will increase in value relative to other currencies. This increase will make imports to the US cheaper, and consumers would then buy more imported goods.

Why is the nominating stage important in the electoral process?

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Category - Government, 20% of Social Studies Praxis Nominations determine who will participate in the general election.

A company that divides itself into individual shares to allow fro multiple owners would be called:

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ategory - Economics, 15% of Social Studies Praxis A corporation is made up of individual shares that allows for multiple owners.

Which of the following have had an impact on increasing voting rights for African Americans?

Please select 3 correct answers

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Category - Government, 20% of Social Studies Praxis Voting rights for African Americans have come about as a result of changes in the electoral procedures in the South, Civil Rights movement, and federal regulation of elections.

What is the name of the ancient city located in the Andes Mountains of Peru?

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Category - Geography, 15% of Social Studies Praxis Machu Picchu is the famous ancient city located in the Andes Mountains, the crown jewel of the Incan civilization.

Sigmund Freud claims that we often push unwanted ideas or urges into our unconscious to protect our ego. What is this defense mechanism called?

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Category - Behavioral Sciences, 10% of Social Studies Praxis Repression is the psychological attempt made by an individual to repel one's own desires and impulses toward pleasurable instincts by excluding the desire from one's consciousness and holding or subduing it in the unconscious.

By what factors is equilibrium price determined?

Please select 2 correct answers

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Category - Economics, 15% of Social Studies Praxis Supply and Demand determine equilibrium price.

Which of the following exists when a quantity supplied is greater than quantity demanded?

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Category - Economics, 15% of Social Studies Praxis A surplus exists when a supply is greater than the demand for that good.

Which of the following disorders involves a patient having more than one personality?

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Category - Behavioral Sciences, 10% of Social Studies Praxis DID is characterized by the presence of two or more distinct personality states.

Through what means is the uneven distribution of natural resources on Earth being balanced?

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Category - Geography, 15% of Social Studies Praxis World trade, as an example of increasing globalization, balances out the variations in natural resources in various localities.

"Communism is diffrent from any other ideological and social system and is the most complete, progressive, revolutionary and rational system in human history." This quote was most likely said by

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Category - World History, 20% of the Social Studies Praxis Mao Zedong was the leader of Communist China. This quote best aligns with his philosophies.

As a product is used more often, its utility for the consumer falls. What explains this concept?

Correct! Wrong!

Category - Economics, 15% of Social Studies Praxis The Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility states that as a person increases consumption of a product - while keeping consumption of other products constant - there is a decline in the marginal utility that person derives from consuming each additional unit of that product

World War II ended in the Pacific theater when

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Category - World History, 20% of Social Studies Praxis The final end of World War II came due to Truman's decision to drop the bomb.

Which of the following was not a world or regional organization created after World War II?

Correct! Wrong!

Category - World History, 20% of Social Studies Praxis The League of Nations was founded on January 10, 1920, as a result of the Paris Peace Conference that ended World War I.

What is the greatest legacy of the Phoenician civilization?

Correct! Wrong!

Category - World History, 20% of the Social Studies Praxis The Phoenician Alphabet was the most significant contribution of this ancient civilization.

What were the years of World War I?

Correct! Wrong!

Category - World History, 20% of Social Studies Praxis World War I lasted from 1914-1918.

Which lobe of the brain appears o be the most responsible for vision?

Correct! Wrong!

Category - Behavioral Sciences, 10% of Social Studies Praxis The occipital lobe appears to be most responsible for vision processes.

A __________. often described as a centralized government, is one in which all the powers held by the government belong to a single, central agency.

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Category - Government, 20% of Social Studies Praxis A unitary state is a state governed as one single power in which the central government is ultimately supreme and any administrative divisions exercise only powers that their central government chooses to delegate. The majority of states in the world have a unitary system of government.

The power to levy and collect taxes is an example of what types of powers?

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Category - Government, 20% of Social Studies Praxis Both the federal and state governments have the power to levy and collect taxes of citizens, meaning it is a power that exists for both the federal and state governments, making it a concurrent power.

A clinician is interested in helping Lola to overcome her phobia of elevators. To do this, she asks Lola to imagine herself walking into an elevator. When Lola gets near the elevator in her imagination, she should stop and use progressive relaxation techniques. The clinician will continue to introduce new steps, eventually asking Lola to ride an elevator. Eventually, Lola will be able to use these techniques to help her ride elevators, hopefully overcoming her phobia. What is kind of therapy called?

Correct! Wrong!

Category - Behavioral Sciences, 10% of Social Studies Praxis Systematic desensitization, also known as graduated exposure therapy is a type of behavior therapy used in the field of psychology to help effectively overcome phobias and other anxiety disorders.

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