Postal 473 Part B – Certified Mail Receipt

This is a timed quiz. You will be given 45 seconds per question. Are you ready?


Which of the following would NOT be an appropriate entry for Box 8?

Correct! Wrong!

Box 8 requires a street, apartment (or suite) number, or PO Box.

Where would the customer sending the certified mail sign the form?

Correct! Wrong!

Klient nie musi podpisywać formularza.

The customer pays a total of $12.69 for their certified mail delivery. Where would this amount be indicated?

Correct! Wrong!

Box 5 is the total of all postage and fees, and represents what the customer pays for the certified mail delivery.

Którego pola NIE powinien wypełniać klient?

Correct! Wrong!

The postal representative will place their postmark in Box 6.

In which box would “13088” be an acceptable entry?

Correct! Wrong!

13088 represents a zip code which could be entered in Box 9.

Który wpis jest dopuszczalny w rubryce 3?

Correct! Wrong!

A dollar amount for the return receipt fee should be entered in Box 3.

Which of the following would be an appropriate entry for Box 7?

Correct! Wrong!

Nazwa odbiorcy.

The postage on the item is $7.52. Where would this be indicated?

Correct! Wrong!

Pudełko 1.

Gdzie przedstawiciel Poczty powinien stemplować stempel pocztowy?

Correct! Wrong!

Urząd pocztowy powinien umieścić swój stempel pocztowy w polu 6.

Dla którego z nich można „808 Monroe St.” być akceptowalnym wpisem?

Correct! Wrong!

A street address can go in Box 8.

If the postage for the item is $7.52, which of the following would be an acceptable entry for Box 5?

Correct! Wrong!

Box 5 represents the total of postage and fees and cannot be less than the postage amount.

Do ilu pudełek można wpisać kwotę w dolarach?

Correct! Wrong!

Boxes 1,2,3,4, and 5 all accept dollar amounts.

If the certified mail is going to an address in New York, where would that information be entered?

Correct! Wrong!

The state is entered in Box 9.

Jeżeli opłata za potwierdzenie odbioru wynosi $2,50, gdzie zostanie to wskazane?

Correct! Wrong!

The return receipt fee is entered in Box 3.

If the postage is $8.00 and the certified fee is $3.00 and there are no other fees, what would the correct entry for box 5 be?

Correct! Wrong!

Box 5 represents the total fees so the answer is $8.00 + $3.00 = $11.00.

Który wpis NIE pasuje do pola 4?

Correct! Wrong!

Pole 4 wymaga kwoty w dolarach (lub może pozostać puste)

Which of the following is NOT an appropriate entry for Box 9?

Correct! Wrong!

A date is not an appropriate entry for Box 9 which requires a city, state and Zipcode.

Jeśli klient chce uiścić dodatkową opłatę za zażądanie zwrotu kopii potwierdzenia odbioru, gdzie należy wskazać tę opłatę?

Correct! Wrong!

The customer can request a “return receipt” for an additional fee indicated in Box 3.

Jeżeli klient chce ograniczyć doręczanie przesyłki do konkretnej osoby, gdzie miałaby być wskazana opłata za tę usługę?

Correct! Wrong!

Za dodatkową opłatą klient może wybrać opcję „Dostawa ograniczona”. Ta usługa pozwoli tylko określonym osobom na podpisanie dostawy.