When lights are required, drivers are required to use low beam headlights:
A large seat and separate footrests are required on the motorcycle for
The motorcycle must be equipped with a larger seat and separate footrests for a passenger.
When a motorcycle rider approaches a railway crossing and the signal lights are flashing, what should s/he do?
Motorcyclists must maintain 5-metres' distance from the nearest railway track at railway crossings.
A large seat and separate footrests are required on the motorcycle for
When braking hard in a turn, the driver must follow the principles of "straighten, square, squeeze" and practice them.
How much stopping power is provided by the rear brake?
Only is provided by the rear brake.
The motorcyclist should avoid driving on which part of the road when it is raining?
The centre part of the lane is more slippery due in wet conditions. Motorcyclists should avoid that particular area.
When a motorcycle rider wishes to enter a highway, s/he must
Motorcycle riders must enter into the access path and then into the acceleration zone and slowly merge into highway traffic.
ドライバーがフロント ブレーキを使用してはならないのは、路面が非常に滑りやすい場合 (氷など) だけです。
交差点での衝突の原因の 1 つは、左折する車です。被弾する確率を下げるために、
交差点で左折する車両は、交差点での衝突の主な原因の 1 つです。攻撃を受ける可能性を減らすには、ゆっくりと近づき、右に移動します。
Due to excessive sand and gravel, the motorcycle rider must not drive
Sand and gravel usually collect along the side of the pavement.
オートバイのライダーは、5 ~ 7 秒ごとにミラーをチェックして、後方の交通状況を確認する必要があります。
オートバイのライダーは、他の車両から少なくとも 2 ~ 3 秒の安全な車間距離を維持する必要があります。
Except when you tend to overtake and pass another vehicle or when you wish to make a left turn, you should:
Which of the following actions can save a motorcycle rider's life when s/he wants to change lanes, position within a lane, or before turning off the roadway?
The driver should do a quick shoulder check before changing the lane position, position within a lane, or before turning off the roadway.
Motorcycle riders must not ride their vehicles
The motorcycle rider should never ride between two lanes, as each lane is designed for only one vehicle.