OCC (Osteopathic Continuous Certification) Test: What to Know

OCC (Osteopathic Continuous Certification) is a structured certification process developed by the American Osteopathic Association (AOA) to ensure osteopathic physicians maintain their expertise throughout their careers. Similar to the ongoing certification standards for allopathic physicians, OCC is intended to demonstrate a commitment to lifelong learning, professional development, and patient care standards in the practice of osteopathic medicine. The OCC process promotes the continuous improvement of osteopathic skills and knowledge, helping physicians adapt to the latest advancements in medicine.

Key Takeaways

  • Osteopathic Continuous Certification (OCC) is a certification process designed to uphold the standards and competencies of practicing osteopathic doctors.
  • The American Osteopathic Association (AOA) oversees the OCC requirements, ensuring that osteopathic physicians commit to ongoing education and professional development.
  • Continuing Medical Education (CME) is a core component of OCC, with physicians required to fulfill CME credits to maintain certification.
  • OCC fosters professional growth in osteopathic doctors, directly benefiting patient care quality and physician expertise.
  • Financial compensation and career stability are often enhanced for osteopathic doctors who maintain their certification and continue developing specialized knowledge.

What is Osteopathic Medicine?

Osteopathic medicine is a distinct branch of medical practice in the United States, emphasizing a holistic approach to patient care. It focuses on treating the whole person rather than just addressing symptoms. Osteopathic physicians, known as DOs (Doctors of Osteopathic Medicine), are fully licensed medical professionals who can prescribe medication, perform surgeries, and practice in all areas of medicine.

A key aspect of osteopathic medicine is osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMT), which involves hands-on techniques that help alleviate pain, restore range of motion, and promote overall wellness. OMT is rooted in osteopathic principles that prioritize the body’s ability to heal itself.

Understanding the Osteopathic Continuous Certification (OCC) Process

The OCC (Osteopathic Continuous Certification) process, administered by the American Osteopathic Association’s (AOA) Board of Certification, includes several components that osteopathic physicians must complete to maintain their board certification. This structured approach ensures that DOs remain up-to-date with medical advances and provide quality care to patients.

Key Components of the OCC Process

The OCC consists of five primary components:

  • Component 1: Active Licensure
    Osteopathic physicians must hold a valid, unrestricted medical license in their practicing state.

  • Component 2: Lifelong Learning/Continuing Medical Education (CME)
    DOs are required to participate in continuing medical education to stay informed about developments in their field. The AOA sets specific CME credit requirements that vary depending on the specialty.

  • Component 3: Cognitive Assessment
    This involves periodic exams assessing the physician’s knowledge and clinical judgment in their specialty area. These exams are crucial in ensuring physicians possess the knowledge needed for modern medical practices.

  • Component 4: Practice Performance Assessment & Improvement (PPAI)
    Through PPAI, physicians are evaluated on their clinical performance and encouraged to engage in improvement activities. This assessment ensures DOs are committed to enhancing the quality of patient care.

  • Component 5: Continuous Professional Development
    This component emphasizes a physician’s commitment to ethical and professional standards. It is designed to promote positive interactions with patients and colleagues and uphold professional conduct.

The Role of the American Osteopathic Association (AOA) in OCC

The AOA plays a central role in defining and enforcing the standards of osteopathic medicine, which includes managing the OCC (Osteopathic Continuous Certification) requirements. As the governing body, the AOA is responsible for ensuring that DOs comply with these standards, ultimately enhancing patient trust and safety. The AOA also assists physicians with resources for meeting OCC requirements, providing access to CME opportunities, assessment tools, and professional development courses.

Importance of Continuing Medical Education (CME) for Osteopathic Physicians

Continuing Medical Education (CME) is an essential aspect of the OCC (Osteopathic Continuous Certification) process. By regularly participating in CME, osteopathic physicians can stay informed about the latest advancements in medicine, treatments, and technologies. CME activities cover a wide range of topics, including:

  • Updates on disease management and treatment protocols
  • Advances in diagnostic techniques
  • Ethical issues and patient communication
  • Specializations within osteopathic practices

CME credits are accumulated through various activities, such as attending medical conferences, participating in workshops, or completing online courses. The AOA has set minimum CME credit requirements that DOs must meet within a three-year cycle.

Financial and Professional Impact of OCC on Osteopathic Doctors

Osteopathic doctors who successfully maintain their certification through the OCC process often experience positive financial and professional outcomes. Board-certified physicians typically see higher salaries, career advancement opportunities, and increased job security. In addition, board certification can improve patient confidence and attract referrals.

Osteopathic Doctor Salary Overview

Osteopathic doctors generally have competitive salaries, with median earnings comparable to allopathic physicians (MDs). Factors influencing DO salaries include specialization, geographic location, years of experience, and the specific healthcare facility. Maintaining OCC certification can lead to opportunities in specialized fields, often associated with higher compensation.


The OCC (Osteopathic Continuous Certification) process is a structured and essential part of maintaining a career in osteopathic medicine. By committing to lifelong learning and professional development, osteopathic doctors continue to enhance their skills, benefit their patients, and contribute to the evolving field of healthcare. The AOA plays a vital role in overseeing and facilitating OCC, ensuring that DOs remain competent and trusted healthcare providers. Through OCC, osteopathic physicians reaffirm their dedication to delivering high-quality, patient-centered care while also advancing their professional standing in the medical field.


What is Osteopathic Continuous Certification (OCC)?
Osteopathic Continuous Certification is a process that allows osteopathic doctors to maintain board certification by fulfilling specific requirements in ongoing education, licensure, assessments, and professional conduct.

How often must osteopathic physicians renew their certification?
The OCC process requires DOs to maintain their certification throughout their careers, typically involving periodic exams, continuous education, and professional performance evaluations.

How does OCC differ from allopathic certification processes?
While both require ongoing education and assessment, OCC is tailored specifically to osteopathic medicine, including unique components like osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMT).

Can I practice medicine without OCC certification?
Technically, licensure is separate from board certification, so a physician could practice without OCC. However, many employers and institutions require board certification, making OCC critical for career advancement.

Does maintaining OCC certification impact salary?
Yes, board-certified osteopathic doctors often see improved salary prospects, especially if they specialize and work in fields that value ongoing certification.

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