Ireland Driving Test 4


What does this sign mean?

Correct! Wrong!

Explantion: This sign gives advance warning that there may be cattle or other farm animals on the road ahead.

What does this sign mean?

Correct! Wrong!

Explantion: This is an advance warning sign for cyclists to be aware that they are approaching a tram track and that the surface may be slippery.

What does this sign mean?

Correct! Wrong!

Explantion: This sign gives advance warning that there is a danger of rocks and other debris falling onto the road.

What does this sign mean?

Correct! Wrong!

Explantion: This sign gives advance warning of a series of bumps or hollows ahead. You should reduce your speed accordingly.

What does this sign mean?

Correct! Wrong!

Explantion: This sign gives advance warning that there may be horses on the road ahead. You should show due regard for horses and their riders.

What does this sign mean?

Correct! Wrong!

Explantion: This sign gives advance warning of an open water area ahead. You should show caution in this situation.

What does this sign mean?

Correct! Wrong!

Explantion: This sign gives advance warning of an automatic level crossing ahead. Prepare to stop.

What does this sign mean?

Correct! Wrong!

Explantion: This sign gives advance warning that there might be a danger of skidding because of an uncertain road surface ahead.

What does this sign mean?

Correct! Wrong!

Explantion: This sign gives advance warning of a pedestrian crossing ahead. You should show caution and be prepared to stop.

What does this sign mean?

Correct! Wrong!

Explantion: This sign gives advance warning of a railway level crossing ahead with lights and barriers. You should be prepared to stop.

What does this sign mean?

Correct! Wrong!

Explantion: This sign gives advance warning of a tunnel ahead. You should be aware of the procedures to follow when entering a tunned - such as turning on headlights.

What does this sign mean?

Correct! Wrong!

Explantion: This sign gives pedestrians advance warning of a tram crossing where they shouldlook both ways before crossing the road.

What does this sign mean?

Correct! Wrong!

Explantion: The sign is generally in areas where tourists might be travelling and reminds motorists to drive on the left.

What does this sign mean?

Correct! Wrong!

Explantion: This sign gives advance warning that there may be sheep on the road ahead.

What does this sign mean?

Correct! Wrong!

Explantion: This sign gives advance warning that there may be crosswinds ahead. Crosswinds can affect the stability of your vehicle on the road.

What does this sign mean?

Correct! Wrong!

Explantion: This sign gives advance warning that you must stop when red lights show. This sign may be displayed at railway level crossing.

What does this sign mean?

Correct! Wrong!

Explantion: This sign gives advance warning of a traffic light controlled junction ahead where drivers might not see the lights in good time - for example, following a bend in the road.

What does this sign mean?

Correct! Wrong!

Explantion: This sign gives advance warning sign of tram crossing ahead.You should be prepared to stop and yield to the tram,if required.

What does this sign mean?

Correct! Wrong!

Explantion: This sign gives advance warning that there may be school children crossing the road ahead, and you should be prepared to stop.

What does this sign mean?

Correct! Wrong!

Explantion: This sign gives advance warning that there may be deer or other wild animals coming onto the roadway.

What does this sign mean?

Correct! Wrong!

Explantion: This sign gives advance warning of a dip or depression in the road ahead. You should reduce your speed accordingly.

What does this sign mean?

Correct! Wrong!

Explantion: This sign gives advance warning of a school ahead. You should adjust your speed accordingly as there may be children in the area.

What does this sign mean?

Correct! Wrong!

Explantion: This sign gives advance warning of a hump in the road. You should adjust your speed accordingly.

What do these signs together mean?

Correct! Wrong!

Explantion: These signs are usually displayed in residential areas, and they give advance waning that children might be crossing ahead. You should drive with extra caution.

What does this sign mean?

Correct! Wrong!

Explantion: This sign gives advance warning that there may be low-flying aircraft in the area.Low-flying aircraft can make a loud noise

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