FREE Gym Trainer Best Practices Questions and Answers


Diabetes affects one of your newest clients. How ought you to deal with such condition?

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A client of yours wants to increase his muscular strength. He is a healthy, young man who has never been injured and has no known medical conditions. What medication ought to you administer to him?

Correct! Wrong!

Your client wants to strengthen his grasp. Which workout from the list below will achieve this the least?

Correct! Wrong!

A client wants to gain muscle while maintaining the best possible health. What therapy should you suggest?

Correct! Wrong!

What should you avoid if a client has stage II hypertension?

Correct! Wrong!

What should you do if you find out after your initial evaluation that your client has rotator cuff tendinitis?

Correct! Wrong!

How does periodization work?

Correct! Wrong!

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