Google AdWords Fundamentals Exam Answers


Your client wants to show ads to people who’ve visited her website before. Which Adwords feature would you recommend she use?

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Remarketing helps you reach people who have visited your website or used your app. Previous visitors or users can see your ads as they browse websites that are part of the Display Network, or as they search for terms related to your products or services on Google.

You sell video games and want people who play mobile gaming apps to know about your store. What’s one benefit of promotion your products with a mobile apps campaign on the Display Network?

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If you want to reach certain categories of apps, or if you know the apps you want to target, you should create a Display Network campaign devoted to mobile apps. Learn more about these campaigns below under reaching specific apps or app categories in the Display Network.

Tony travels frequently. He needs to be able to make changes to his AdWords account while he’s offline, so he downloads AdWords Editor. Using AdWords Editor, Tony can do all of the following except:

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Any advertiser with any size account can use AdWords Editor, but it’s especially useful for accounts with multiple campaigns and long lists of keywords or ads. For example, you can: Use bulk editing tools to make multiple changes quickly. Export and import files to share proposals or make changes to an account. View statistics for all campaigns or a subset of campaigns. Manage, edit, and view multiple accounts at the same time. Search and replace text across ad groups or campaigns. Copy or move items between ad groups and campaigns. Undo and redo multiple changes while editing your campaigns. Make changes in draft before uploading them to your account. Keep working even when you’re offline.

Your client’s campaign is consistently meeting its average daily budget. What should you do to maximize your client’s budget throughout all hours of the day?

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Accelerated delivery is likely to use up your campaign’s daily budget early in the day. This is because accelerated delivery shows your ads until your budget is reached. “Standard delivery” is more optimized, which means that the delivery of your ads is spread more evenly throughout the day.

How can you see if people are searching for your client’s services during the early morning and evening hours?

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Use time segments (such as hour of the day or specific months) to isolate changes in your performance. For example, if you segment your data according to the day of the week and find that your ad performance is dramatically different on Saturdays, you can modify your bids to account for the change in user behavior.

What’s one benefit of creating multiple ad groups?

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Use ad groups to organize your ads by a common theme, such as the types of products or services you want to advertise. Many advertisers find it helpful to base their ad groups on the sections or categories that appear on their website.

You would choose to advertise on the Google Search Network if you wanted to:

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A Search Network campaign may be a good option for you if you meet one or more of the following criteria: You want your ads to appear near Google search results You only want to reach customers searching for your specific product or service

When choosing a maximum cost-per-click (max. CPC) bid, you should consider the amount that you make from a purchase because you want to set a bid amount that’s:

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Most people starting out in AdWords use cost-per-click (CPC) bidding to pay for each click on their ads. With this option, you set a maximum cost-per-click bid (max. CPC bid) that’s the highest amount that you’re willing to pay for a click on your ad. Set your bid by thinking about how much an ad click is worth to you.

When reviewing the Search terms report for one of your client’s campaigns, you notice several terms that aren’t relevant to what they’re advertising. How can you use this information when refining the campaign’s keywords?

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Negative keywords are an important part of every campaign because they help make sure that your ads appear only to people looking for what you offer. This added level of control can help you increase your clickthrough rate (CTR), reduce your average cost-per-click (CPC), and increase your ROI.

Mimi wants to reach people searching for baked goods, but only wants her ads to show during the hours she’s open for business. Which campaign type is a good fit?

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Ads in a Search Network campaign appear near Google search results and other Google sites when people search for terms that are relevant to your ad’s keywords.Ads are matched to search results pages based on the terms or phrases someone searches. Search Network campaigns are usually focused on getting people to take action such as clicking your ad or calling your business.

All other things being equal, if you’ve set a maximum CPC bid of $1.00 for your ads, and if the next most competitive bid is $0.50 for the same ad position, what is the actual amount you’d pay for that click?

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For ads on the Search Network, the minimum Ad Rank required for ads above search results is generally greater than the minimum Ad Rank required for ads beside search results. As a result, the actual CPC when you appear above search results could be higher than the actual CPC if you appear beside search results, even if no other advertisers are immediately below you. Although you may pay more per click, top ads usually have higher clickthrough rates and may allow you to show certain ad extensions and other features available only in top ad positions. As always, you’re never charged more than your max. CPC. bid. Examples: If the advertiser immediately below you bids US$2.00, and if that advertiser’s ad is the same quality as yours (and has equal-performing extensions and ad formats), you’d typically need to bid a penny more than US$2.00 to rank higher than that advertiser and still maintain your position and ad formats. With AdWords, that’s the most you’ll pay (about US$2.01), whether your bid is US$3.00, US$5.00, or more.

Google Analytics can help you learn more about the behavior of your client’s customers because it shows you how:

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Google Analytics has a powerful segmentation engine. Instead of looking at your audience in large bunches, you can break it down into its component parts and understand how each part interacts with your site—then bid, message and direct traffic accordingly.

What happens when a campaign consistently meets its average daily budget?

Correct! Wrong!

If you have a limited budget, you want to make the most of every cent you spend on your advertising campaign. When your budget is limited, your ad might not show as frequently as you’d like — or might not show at all.

Which bidding strategy should Sara use if her goal is to get more people to call her local catering business?

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Target CPA is an automated bid strategy that sets bids to help get as many conversions as possible at the target cost-per-acquisition (CPA) you set.

When creating text ads to advertise a client’s small chain of Italian restaurants, what should you include in the ad text to make it compelling to potential customers?

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Use the description to highlight details about your product or service. It’s a good idea to include a “call to action”—the action you want your customer to take. If you’re an online shoe store, your description might include “Shop now” or “Buy shoes now.” If you offer a service, you might want to add something like “Get an instant quote online” or “See pricing.”

Keyword Planner can help you build a new Search Network campaign by:

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You can search for keyword and ad group ideas, see how a list of keywords might perform, and even create a new keyword list by multiplying several lists of keywords together. Keyword Planner can also help you choose competitive bids and budgets to use with your campaigns.

Research for a client who owns used car dealerships show that people who visit his website also visit certain popular car blogs. Which targeting method would you use to reach these people?

Correct! Wrong!

If you want to run ads on the Display Network but only on placements you’ve hand-picked, you can do so with managed placements. For example, if you sell travel packages and want your ads to appear on a particular website or a specific page about travel, add it as a managed placement.

Your client’s campaign is getting a lot of clicks, but the conversion rate is low. Which approach could help improve your client’s conversion rate?

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Make sure your landing page is directly relevant to your ad text and keyword. Provide useful information on your landing page about whatever you’re advertising. Try to offer useful features or content that are unique to your site. Transparency and trustworthiness

On the Display Network, your ad is eligible to show on a webpage if your:

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Google’s system analyzes the content of each webpage to determine its central theme, which is then matched to your ad using your keywords and topic selections, your language and location targeting, a visitor’s recent browsing history, and other factors.

When someone clicks your ad, the actual amount you’re charged will be:

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Actual CPC is often less than max. CPC because with the AdWords auction, the most you’ll pay is what’s minimally required to hold your ad position and any ad formats shown with your ad, such as sitelinks.

You can win a higher ad position in the auction with a lower cost-per-click (CPC) bid by:

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Ad position is also influenced by the expected impact from ad extensions and other ad formats, such as sitelinks. This means that if two competing ads have the same bid and quality, the ad with the better expected impact from extensions will generally appear in a higher position than the other.

What’s the easiest way to evaluate if one version of your landing page performs better than another for the same ad?

Correct! Wrong!

AdWords Campaign Experiments allow you to test changes to your account on a portion of the auctions that your ads participate in.

Which of the following is a benefit of advertising online with Google AdWords? OR Which is a benefit of advertising online with Google AdWords?

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You decide how much you want to spend, and pay only when someone interacts with your ad, like clicking your text ad or watching your video ad. You base your bids on whatever is best for your business.

Negative keywords can help advertisers refine the targeting of their ads, and potentially increase:

Correct! Wrong!

Negative keywords are an important part of every campaign because they help make sure that your ads appear only to people looking for what you offer. This added level of control can help you increase your clickthrough rate (CTR), reduce your average cost-per-click (CPC), and increase your ROI.

What happens as a result of a search campaign consistently meeting its daily budget?

Correct! Wrong!

AdWords shows recommended budgets for campaigns that repeatedly meet their daily budget but have the potential to earn more clicks and impressions

Which is a benefit of advertising online?

Correct! Wrong!

When you advertise online with AdWords, you can use different targeting methods to reach potential customers right when they’re searching for your products or services. This can help make sure you’re putting your advertising dollars towards reaching only the people most likely to become your customers.

An e-commerce client wants her campaign to be more profitable. After calculating this client’s total profits from AdWords, what can you do to start maximizing results for profit?

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There are four steps to profit driven bidding in AdWords: Define a formula that calculates total profits from AdWords. Why: You need a formula to measure and optimize for profit in AdWords. Run a broad-scale manual bid test. Why: Get an edge in the auction by finding profitable bid opportunities faster than others can. Evaluate results and measure your profit. Why: Identify areas for improvement as you analyze results. Use automation to adjust your bids. Why: Free up your time so that you can focus on other strategic priorities.

Nadia manages a local gym and is running an ad to drive more free trial memberships. What could she include in her ad text?

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