FREE Xamarin Certification Questions and Answers


Xamarin.Forms Material Visual assistance that controls

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Xamarin.Forms Material Visual supports the following controls:
1. ActivityIndicator: Material Visual provides a styled version of the ActivityIndicator control, giving it a material design appearance.
2. Button: Material Visual enhances the Button control with material design styling, including elevation and ripple effects.
3. CheckBox: Material Visual offers a material design-themed CheckBox control, providing a visually consistent checkbox experience.
By using Xamarin.Forms Material Visual, developers can apply material design styles and behaviors to these controls, giving their app a modern and cohesive look and feel.

Which features are available in Xamarin applications created with the.NET BCL?

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The .NET Base Class Library (BCL) used in Xamarin applications provides several powerful features related to XML, database, and serialization.
These features allow Xamarin developers to work with XML data, interact with databases, and handle serialization tasks efficiently within their applications.

Which IDE is used by Xamarin?

Correct! Wrong!

Xamarin uses the Visual Studio IDE (Integrated Development Environment) as its primary development environment. Visual Studio provides comprehensive tools and features specifically designed for developing Xamarin applications. It offers a rich set of debugging, testing, and profiling capabilities, along with built-in support for Xamarin.Forms and Xamarin.Android/Xamarin.iOS projects.

Xamarin offers tools for instantly calling libraries of

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Xamarin provides facilities for directly invoking libraries of Objective-C, Java, C, and C++ in Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android projects. This feature allows developers to leverage existing native code libraries and integrate them seamlessly into their Xamarin applications.

Applications made with Xamarin support

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Xamarin applications support lambdas, LINQ (Language-Integrated Query), and generics. Xamarin is built on the .NET platform, which includes these powerful language features.

Which features are offered by Xamarin. Shell Forms

Correct! Wrong!

These features provided by Xamarin.Forms Shell contribute to a more consistent and efficient navigation experience in Xamarin.Forms applications, saving development time and effort.

In the Xamarin.Essentials library, there are APIs for

Correct! Wrong!

Xamarin.Essentials is a library that provides a set of cross-platform APIs for common device functionalities and features. Some of the APIs provided by Xamarin.Essentials
These are just a few examples of the many APIs provided by Xamarin.Essentials. It offers a wide range of cross-platform functionalities to simplify the development process and access native device capabilities in Xamarin applications.

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