FREE Traffic Signs Questions and Answers
These signs mean what?
Correct Answer: No Parking at any time.
The provided signs denote various parking limitations. There is a one-hour parking limit indicated on the first sign. It is pretty evident from the second sign that parking is not allowed at all. Five minutes are allotted for parking according to the third sign. Because it denotes a total prohibition on parking, "No Parking at Any Time" is the appropriate response.
These signs mean what?
Correct Answer: Wrong way, do not enter
It is forbidden to enter in the direction indicated by the posted signs. The "Wrong way, do not enter" sign is commonly used to indicate that the driver is going in the wrong direction and should not proceed further. This sign is usually erected at the ramps or one-way entrances to deter vehicles from entering the wrong way, which can result in collisions and accidents.
These signs mean what?
Correct Answer: Caution, road is slippery when wet.
This sign warns that the road could become slick when it's wet. It alerts drivers to the need for caution and modifies their driving style accordingly. This can entail slowing down, keeping a closer following distance, and being ready for decreased traction on the pavement. The sign is typically placed in areas with a higher likelihood of water accumulation or where the road surface is prone to becoming slippery when wet.
These signs mean what?
Correct Answer: Stop ahead
A stop sign is located ahead, as indicated by this sign. It warns drivers to be ready to stop their cars at the next junction or intersection. Drivers who are aware of this sign will know that they must slow down and stop completely to protect other people and themselves and obey traffic laws.
This sign means what?
Correct Answer: Two way traffic.
A road ahead with two-way traffic is allowed, according to the sign shown in the question. This implies that traffic on this road is two-way, and drivers must be mindful of oncoming traffic. Thus, "Two-way traffic" is the correct response.
This sign means what?
Correct Answer: Divided Highway.
A Divided Highway is indicated by the signs provided. This shows that traffic will move in opposing directions on the lane ahead. This sign alerts drivers to a section where they must stay in their designated lane and exercise caution when approaching oncoming traffic. Biding by the markings and signs is crucial to maintaining a safe and efficient traffic flow.
This sign means what?
Correct Answer: Divided Highway ends.
The divided highway ends where the provided signs point. This implies that separate lanes for traffic traveling in opposing directions will no longer exist on the road. Instead, it will be converted to a single-lane roadway with two lanes of traffic. Drivers must notice this sign and modify their driving style by changing road conditions.