FREE STNA Personal Care Skills Questions and Answers


Hepatitis C patient care is provided by the nursing assistant. Which of the following ways does the nursing assistant know that the patient may have been exposed to this disease?

Correct! Wrong!

One of the numerous ways to get the hepatitis C virus is through IV drug use.

How long should the nursing assistant clean hands fully and completely after adequately washing them?

Correct! Wrong!

The CDC and most other handwashing guidelines advise spending 20 seconds cleaning your hands.

When changing a patient who is incontinent, what safety gear should be worn?

Correct! Wrong!

As a proper contact precaution, the nursing assistant should wear a gown and gloves at most.

Of these, MRSA is an example of which?

Correct! Wrong!

Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, or MRSA, is extremely resistant to the majority of antibiotic therapies.

How can a nursing assistant avoid infection the most effectively?

Correct! Wrong!

Without a question, the greatest strategy to prevent illness is to wash your hands frequently. The other actions are encouraging.

It is prescribed that a person with an indwelling urinary catheter walk twice a day. Prior to helping the customer walk, the nursing assistant ought to:

Correct! Wrong!

By keeping the bag below the cavity's level, you can prevent bacteria from using gravity to move up from the bag and into the bladder.

While flossing the client's teeth, which motion is incorrect?

Correct! Wrong!

It is not required to floss every tooth with a fresh piece of floss. Take an eighteen-inch length of floss out of the dispenser; this will cover every tooth. After flossing every other tooth, simply move on to a new section of floss. The other options are the proper flossing techniques.


Which of the following is essential care when giving a resident a bath?

Correct! Wrong!

Encouraging the resident to take part in their care will boost their self-confidence and grant them independence. Cleaning the perineum before the face or using cool water instead of comfortably warm water is incorrect.

A resident being looked after by a nursing assistant. Which of the following recommendations for skin care is accurate?

Correct! Wrong!

Any red pressure patches on the resident must be reported to the nurse by the nursing assistant. No prescription ointments may be applied by the nursing assistant. It is not advised to use talcum powder. Perineal care does not require the assistance of a second employee.

When giving a customer a bath, which of the following is correct?

Correct! Wrong!

Covering parts not being washed is essential to maintaining privacy and keeping a client warm. Wipe from front to back when cleaning the perineal region. While the customer helps with ADLs, provide them with assistance. Lotioning the area between your toes increases your risk of fungal infections.

The resident's three top priorities when taking a bath are:

Correct! Wrong!

When a resident is taking a bed bath, their top priorities are safety, security, and privacy.

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