FREE SMQT Introduction to Surveying Questions and Answers


Determining the dimensions and form of the earth is the focus of __________________ surveying. Large areas, such as a state or county, would be surveyed using this type.

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_______________________ surveying works with small-scale regions and makes the assumption that the earth's surface is a plane, meaning that no adjustments for the curvature of the earth are required.

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A line that is perpendicular to the direction of gravity and tangential to a level line at a certain location is called a _______________________________ line.

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Surveyors use this for fixed points of reference that are known to be elevated above or below a specific datum.

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_______________________ surveying works with small-scale regions and makes the assumption that the earth's surface is a plane, meaning that no adjustments for the curvature of the earth are required.

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Which two purposes does surveying serve?

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What kind of surveying tool is that in the photo?

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What does the imaginary line that crosses the crosshairs of the leveling instrument mean?

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The measurement and mapping of the earth's physical features—both natural and man-made—are the focus of __________________________ surveys.

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Which surveying instrument is that in the picture?

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Which kind of survey is shown in the image?

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