FREE Skincare MCQ Question and Answers


Ectropion is the uncharacteristic inversion of the:

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Ectropion occurs when the inner surface of your lower eyelid is visible because your lower eyelid has turned or sagged outward, away from your eye.

All of the following, with the exception of protection, are protective functions of the skin.

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Protection, regulation, and feel are the three main roles of the skin. The skin offers defense against pressure and mechanical impacts, temperature changes, microorganisms, radiation, and chemicals.

The majority of body heat is generated by

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The deep organs, including the liver, brain, and heart, as well as the contraction of the skeletal muscles, produce the majority of body heat.

True or False: When exposed to sunshine, the skin can produce vitamin D.

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The term "sunshine vitamin" applies to vitamin D for good reason. When exposed to sunshine, your skin produces vitamin D from cholesterol. The energy for vitamin D synthesis is provided by the sun's ultraviolet B (UVB) radiation striking cholesterol in skin cells.

The ______ contains the cells that are undergoing mitosis.

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The basal cell layer, commonly referred to as stratum basale, is the epidermis's innermost layer. Columnar basal cells, which are constantly dividing and being pushed toward the surface, can be found in this layer. Additionally, melanocytes that create melanin reside in the stratum basale (the pigment responsible for skin color).

True or False: The dermis and the epidermis both undergo continuous shedding and regeneration.

Correct! Wrong!

False: Melanin is the primary component of skin that controls skin color. True: Sebaceous glands are the type of glands that produce the waxy secretion in the external ear canal. Both the epidermis and the dermis continually shed and regenerate.

The arrector pili muscles contracting results in

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Goose bumps are a brief localized skin alteration. This skin alteration is the result of a series of events that begin with a stimulus like cold or fright. The sympathetic nervous system, a voluntary element of the nervous system, releases nerves in response to that stimuli.

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