FREE Situational Judgement Ultimate Question and Answers


You are in charge of a sizable department store. The size of the sales/service teams on your staff varies, and each team is in charge of overseeing the department's customer orders. You've been alarmed by the growing indications of low team morale among the top three teams.
What do you think you're "MOST LIKELY" to do next?

Correct! Wrong!

This is the most effective response since it addresses both the key issues: investigating how to set more effective objectives ; whilst getting buy in to this week's targets from the start.

You assigned both individual and team goals for the first time last week as a relatively new graduate trainee manager. Everyone on your team has been instructed to collaborate and finish all assignments by the end of the week. Sadly, it is now abundantly clear to you that none of the team goals have been accomplished. Your individual goals only had a mixed record of success, in fact.
What do you think you're "LEAST LIKELY" to do next?

Correct! Wrong!

This is the least effective response as it does recognize the need for improved collaboration, although this is quite a weak solution. More importantly, it has to be the LEAST effective solution since it does not address the other key need to work more effectively (towards the set objectives).

You're in charge of your overworked nursing team's daily huddle. A new, junior team member has been frequently interrupting other team members as they discuss their own issues (from yesterday). You suspect they're attempting to impress their new team by monopolizing the medical solutions to every problem raised.
What do you think you're "LEAST LIKELY" to do next?

Correct! Wrong!

This is the least effective response which could easily backfire. You don't know how the rest of your busy team will react. Also, 'telling off' your new colleague could discourage them from contributing at future meetings.

A more specialized customer service helpdesk is under your management at your new job, which you just started. Even in your 1-to-1 meetings, you quickly learn during your first few weeks on the team that the majority of people are introverts and rarely engage in conversation. Because of the lack of teamwork, job satisfaction is quite low.
What do you think you're "MOST LIKELY" to do next?

Correct! Wrong!

This is the MOST effective response to the presented scenario. The key issue here is for you, as manager, to improve collaboration. Introducing short weekly meetings will do this in what should be perceived as an acceptable manner by your team. It's always good advice to select the solution likely to prove most effective in the long-term.

Working in the field of public health during a widespread pandemic, you are a very busy team leader. You are currently taking part in the team's most recent biweekly online presentation on individual projects, which is presented by a different team member each week. The time allotted to this project manager has already been exceeded. Your team as a whole is currently showing signs of boredom. You both concur that this presentation is running too long.
What do you think you're "MOST LIKELY" to do next?

Correct! Wrong!

This is the MOST effective solution, demonstrating collaborative decision-making in seeking a resolution. Plus taking the initiative to address the timing issue. Thirdly, that it's your managerial responsibility to offer balanced feedback. It may be a common issue but an annoying one for others if it is allowed to continue.

You work in a sales office with an open floor plan, but you find it difficult to focus because a noisy coworker is sitting next to you. Although you are not the only one who has been inconvenienced, nobody has spoken up or taken any action.
What do you think you're "LEAST LIKELY" to do next?

Correct! Wrong!

This is LEAST because this is simply repeating the same problem as your disruptive colleague.

The number of open cases in your accounts department keeps growing. Numerous staffing issues (numbers, training, etc.) are to blame for this. The end result is that the majority of your younger coworkers now routinely miss the goal deadline each week. Prioritize fixing this problem as the team's leader so it doesn't escalate into a bigger crisis.
What do you think you're "MOST LIKELY" to do next?

Correct! Wrong!

This is the MOST effective option. It is because missing deadlines is a major problem that needs to be escalated to your manager. You need to know where they stand on this issue.

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