FREE SAFe® 5 DevOps: DevOps Questions and Answers


Which of the following best sums up the purpose of DevOps?

Correct! Wrong!

One of the primary goals of DevOps is to create an environment in which more reliable applications can be released more quickly and frequently.

Is it true that DevOps is a recognized framework?

Correct! Wrong!

DevOps differs from traditional IT methodologies such as Waterfall, Agile, and ITIL in that it lacks a set of explicit tenets for IT organizations to follow.
DevOps is not a prescriptive set of rules, but rather a collection of loose guidelines that encapsulate the idea that IT is more valuable as a cohesive whole.
While ambiguity can be frustrating, it allows for a wide berth to accommodate the unique requirements and features of each IT ecosystem.

Are site reliability engineering (SRE) and DevOps interchangeable terms?

Correct! Wrong!

It's time to admit: this was a trick question. DevOps and SRE share many goals and cover a lot of the same ground. SRE is also heavily focused on automation and minimizing manual interaction with application operation and management.
However, while DevOps practices can extend beyond IT into the business, SRE is almost entirely focused on IT.

Staff from the operations teams must be included in the development teams supporting the Agile approach to DevOps to ensure:

Please select 2 correct answers

Correct! Wrong!

Operational considerations must be taken into account, and the resulting system designs must be compatible with the environment of business as usual. Operational concerns would not always take precedence over development concerns.

What change in culture does DevOps refer to?

Correct! Wrong!

As the name implies, DevOps is an effort to bring together IT departments to form a more cohesive team. This includes networking, security, and quality assurance, to name a few.
There are currently a number of offshoots that work toward further unification, including DevSecOps, BizDevOps, and DevNetOps. All ultimately strive for cohesion and effectiveness.

Which advantages of implementing a DevOps strategy could be cited in a business case for doing so?

Correct! Wrong!

A successful DevOps business case should strike a balance between accelerating time to market and enhancing the success of releases and turnaround times.

Is this a true statement? "DevOps is inherently a cultural shift within the organization; it is more than just a tool or a process change."

Correct! Wrong!

DevOps is more than just a tool or a process change; to ensure a successful adoption of a DevOps approach, it inherently requires an organizational culture shift within the organization across all stakeholders.

What is the DevOps process loop defined as?

Correct! Wrong!

Although there appear to be numerous steps, the use of scripts, automation, and machine learning significantly reduces the amount of manual intervention. The planning phase, which is where the loop begins and ends and where the existing code informs the creation of subsequent code updates, is where the loop is initiated.
Because of the focus on collaboration in DevOps, some processes like continuous testing through the coding and building processes can be carried out simultaneously, and monitoring is a crucial component of ongoing operation.

Which of the following best sums up how DevOps and Continuous Delivery interact?

Correct! Wrong!

DevOps and Continuous Delivery are not synonymous, but they do share a foundation in Agile methods and LEAN thinking.

Which of the following statements best describes the role of Change Management in a DevOps environment?

Correct! Wrong!

Collaboration and communication are key elements of DevOps.
To make sure the process is appropriate for its intended use, the change management will become more agile.

Which statement about the similarities and differences between Agile and DevOps is true?

Correct! Wrong!

Both DevOps and Change will necessitate change. Adopting Agile methods will necessitate a paradigm shift.
Adopting a DevOps approach will necessitate cultural shifts throughout the organization.

DevOps adoption is being influenced by things like:

Correct! Wrong!

A variety of factors are driving the adoption of DevOps.
All four, and many more, are driving DevOps adoption.

DevOps is...

Correct! Wrong!

"DevOps is more than just the words 'Dev' and 'Ops'. It includes the collaboration and communication of software developers as well as other information-technology (IT) professionals, as well as the automation of software delivery and infrastructure changes. "

Which of the following statements about DevOps is true?

Correct! Wrong!

These four are among the many myths about DevOps that exist.

True or false: The IT department will undergo a revolution thanks to a new DevOps team.

Correct! Wrong!

The simplest path is frequently the most misleading. The best IT experts from each department are brought together to work as a cohesive team, which may seem like a good idea, but what actually happens is that yet another siloed IT team is added to the roster.
Establish a DevOps center of excellence to foster a team of experts who can instead guide the IT divisions and the business as a whole toward the organization's end goal rather than establishing a department to oversee other departments.

What issues does DevOps address?

Correct! Wrong!

DevOps is made to divide deployments into much smaller pieces so that IT organizations can make quicker, easier updates that don't require months of work and don't result in protracted downtime.
To take advantage of these advantages, DevOps encourages IT organizations to update their tooling.

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