FREE SAEE Experience Inventory Questions and Answers
What shade of paper was on the paper cutter?
Because the piece of paper on the paper cutter was yellow, the answer to the first question is "yellow".
The bulletin board had how many pieces of paper hanging from it?
The second question's response is "eight," as there were eight pieces of paper dangling from the notice board.
What did the open box that was on the ground in front of the cabinets say?
The writing on the box was “Makes your work look better.”
The island's top was covered in a stack of papers. What other two colors were on this stack of paper in addition to pink?
Because the papers on top of the island were pink, white, and green, the answer to the fourth question is "white and green".
How many of the drawers had at least some of them open?
Because there were 8 drawers, 2 of them were at least partially open in the picture, the answer to the fifth question is "2 of 8."
How many tape dispensers could you see in the picture?
Since there were two tape dispensers visible in the image, the answer to the sixth question is "two."
The thing that was closest to the canvas bag was which of the following?
The canvas bag was closer to the power cord than the envelopes, a puncher, or binder, so the answer to the seventh question is "A power cord."