FREE Rules and Road Etiquette Questions and Answers


What is the top speed limit for big passenger cars and regular cars on a National Expressway?

Correct! Wrong!

Big passenger cars and normal cars can usually go 100 km/h on a National Expressway (kilometers per hour). National Expressways have a speed restriction of 100 km/h to ensure safe and efficient traffic flow and road safety. Drivers must obey speed limits on expressways to avoid accidents.

Why should you keep a safe distance between you and the car in front of you?

Correct! Wrong!

Maintaining a reasonable gap between you and the car ahead gives you time to respond and stop safely if the car ahead stops or hits an obstruction. This safety strategy prevents rear-end incidents and ensures adequate braking distance, especially in traffic emergencies.

What happens if you change lanes in a way that makes cars behind you have to brake or turn quickly?

Correct! Wrong!

It's a traffic violation. Most jurisdictions penalize reckless lane changes that disrupt traffic or threaten other vehicles. Because they endanger road safety and increase the chance of accidents, such conduct may result in fines or other legal consequences. Safely changing lanes prevents road risks.

Why should you keep your eyes on the road when you're driving?

Correct! Wrong!

Driving with your eyes on the road helps you anticipate dangers and avoid rear-end and multi-vehicle accidents. Safe driving requires drivers to stay alert and in control of their vehicles. Distracted driving—using a phone or doing other non-driving activities—increases accident risk and road safety. Thus, driving requires concentration.

Why is it against the law to stop or park on an expressway?

Correct! Wrong!

Expressway parking is illegal for safety reasons. It can block emergency vehicles from responding to accidents and rear-end crashes. Expressways are built for continuous traffic movement, therefore stopping or parking can cause dangerous circumstances and traffic congestion.

When is it legal for drivers to use the expressway shoulder?

Correct! Wrong!

Drivers can only stop on the expressway shoulder for an accident or breakdown. Using the expressway shoulder for anything other than emergency vehicles is illegal and dangerous to drivers and other road users. Allowing drivers to utilize the shoulder for emergency stops reduces the risk of accidents and traffic disruptions.

Why is it crucial to have open passing lanes?

Correct! Wrong!

Passing lanes allow vehicles to safely pass slower vehicles, reducing traffic congestion. Open passing lanes also reduce lane violations, such as drivers overtaking in the wrong lane, improving road safety.


What should drivers do when the road conditions force them to drive in the passing lane?

Correct! Wrong!

When road circumstances require passing, drivers should return to the vehicle traffic lane. Avoid driving in the passing lane for long periods, especially if it blocks other drivers. To keep traffic flowing smoothly, utilize the passing lane just to pass slower vehicles and then return to the usual lane.

What does it mean when you hear that traffic only goes in one direction on an expressway?

Correct! Wrong!

Meaning expressway vehicles must move in one direction. To maintain order and safety on expressways, cars must stay in their lanes. Follow expressway traffic flow to avoid head-on collisions and serious accidents.

At the end of a traffic bottleneck, why should drivers activate their hazard lights?

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Activating danger lights at the conclusion of a traffic bottleneck warns motorists behind of the change in traffic conditions, reducing rear-end collisions. Traffic bottlenecks can unexpectedly impede or stop traffic. Drivers identify potential hazards ahead using hazard lights, giving following vehicles more time to respond and change their speed, preventing accidents and improving road safety.

Why should drivers be mindful of their headlight beam angle?

Correct! Wrong!

because being aware of the headlight beam angle allows drivers to correctly adjust their headlights, improving their visibility on the road. It also keeps headlights from blinding or distracting oncoming vehicles.

What steps must be taken before entering an expressway?

Correct! Wrong!

Drivers should inspect and adjust their vehicles before entering expressways. This involves checking tire pressure, mirrors, seat belts, safety equipment, and expressway speeds and traffic. To maintain road safety and ensure a safe and smooth merge onto an expressway, drivers must be cautious and prepared.

During an emergency, what vehicles are permitted to travel on the expressway shoulder?

Correct! Wrong!

Police cars, ambulances, and other emergency vehicles can use the expressway shoulder in emergencies. Allowing emergency vehicles to utilize the shoulder helps them handle traffic faster and reach their destination faster to aid individuals in need. The shoulder is reserved for emergency use and safe traffic flow

When is it necessary for drivers to adjust the brightness and angle of their headlights?

Correct! Wrong!

To avoid blinding incoming drivers, drivers should adjust their headlights. To maintain visibility without endangering other drivers, headlight settings must be adjusted. Drivers can prevent lighting-related accidents by altering headlight brightness and angle.


Why is it imperative to use headlights during early twilight and in tunnels?

Correct! Wrong!

Headlights in early twilight and tunnels boost visibility and notify other cars. In tunnels, natural light is low in early twilight, limiting visibility. Headlights increase visibility, reducing crashes and making driving safer. Headlights assist drivers see ahead and alert other drivers.

When are drivers permitted to temporarily stop their vehicles on an expressway?

Correct! Wrong!

Only in emergencies can drivers stop on expressways. Vehicle failures, medical emergencies, and accident avoidance require emergency stops. Stopping on an expressway disrupts traffic and endangers other drivers.

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