FREE RSO Radiation Monitoring Questions and Answers


Which of the following instruments is best suited for detecting alpha radiation?

Correct! Wrong!

A scintillation counter is particularly effective at detecting alpha radiation, which has low penetration power and cannot be easily detected by a Geiger-Müller counter or ionization chamber. Scintillation counters are sensitive to the type of low-energy radiation emitted by alpha particles.

Which type of radiation monitoring device is commonly worn by personnel to measure external radiation exposure over time?

Correct! Wrong!

A dosimeter badge (such as a thermoluminescent dosimeter or a film badge) is commonly worn by personnel to measure external radiation exposure over time. These devices accumulate dose data and are typically analyzed monthly or quarterly to ensure that workers are not exceeding allowable dose limits.

What is the primary purpose of radiation monitoring in a facility that handles radioactive materials?

Correct! Wrong!

The primary purpose of radiation monitoring is to ensure that individuals working with or near radioactive materials are not exposed to doses of radiation that exceed the limits set by regulatory authorities like the NRC. It helps ensure worker safety and regulatory compliance.

What is the minimum frequency at which radiation surveys should be conducted in areas where radioactive materials are used or stored?

Correct! Wrong!

The NRC and other regulatory bodies typically require that radiation surveys be conducted at least monthly in areas where radioactive materials are used or stored. More frequent surveys may be necessary in high-use areas to ensure there are no significant radiation hazards present.

What is the recommended action if a worker's dosimeter shows radiation exposure close to the annual dose limit?

Correct! Wrong!

If a worker’s dosimeter indicates that their exposure is nearing the annual dose limit, the correct action is to stop the worker from further exposure and investigate the cause of the high dose. This includes reviewing the work environment, procedures, and possibly adjusting work practices to reduce further exposure. The situation may also require reporting to regulatory bodies, such as the NRC.

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