FREE RPN Clinical Skills Questions and Answers


A blood sugar range of 80–180 is considered normal. Is it true or false?

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Blood sugar levels between 80 and 180 are not regarded as normal. When fasting, normal blood sugar levels normally range from 70–99 mg/dL, and two hours after eating, they can go up to 140 mg/dL. Elevated blood sugar levels, which can be an indication of prediabetes or diabetes, fall between 80 and 180 mg/dL. Maintaining blood sugar levels within the normal range is crucial in order to avoid issues that may arise from either high or low blood sugar.

Gonads: What are they?

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The reproductive organs known as gonads generate hormones and gametes, or sex cells. The main gonads in males and females are the testes and ovaries, respectively. Ovaries produce eggs and the hormones progesterone and estrogen, whereas testicles create sperm and the hormone testosterone. The development of secondary sexual traits and the control of the reproductive system are brought about by these hormones. While they do not function as gonads, adrenal glands do secrete certain sex hormones. Reproduction is not directly impacted by thyroid glands.

_________ is released by moms during uterine contractions and causes nursing moms to expel milk.

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Moms release oxytocin during uterine contractions, which causes nursing moms to expel their milk. It is a hormone that the pituitary gland secretes and is essential to mother-child bonding. During labor and delivery, oxytocin causes the uterine muscles to contract. It also causes the mammary glands to release milk when a baby is being breastfed. This hormone encourages effective nursing and strengthens the mother-child relationship.

Urine production is _____________ by vasopressin.

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One hormone that controls the body's water balance is vasopressin. It works on the kidneys to reduce the amount of urine produced and reabsorb water. Consequently, since vasopressin lowers the amount of pee the body produces, "decreases" is the proper response.

Childhood WBCs aid in the battle against infection because they assist ________________ mature.

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The thymus gland secretes the hormone thymosin, which is essential for the maturation and development of white blood cells (WBCs) in children. WBCs play a crucial role in the immune system's ability to combat infections. Consequently, thymosin plays a crucial role in the body's capacity to fight infections during childhood by aiding in the maturation of WBCs.

The cause of ___________ and _____________ is an aberrant rise in growth hormones.

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An excessive rise in growth hormones can cause gigantism and dwarfism, among other diseases. Dwarfism is characterized by stunted growth and small stature, whereas gigantism is characterized by excessive growth and height. A growth hormone production imbalance that results in aberrant development patterns is the etiology of both disorders.

For the thyroid hormone to work as intended, it needs ______________.

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Iodine is necessary for the thyroid hormone to operate correctly. Thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) are two thyroid hormones that require iodine as a component. These hormones play a critical role in controlling the body's growth, development, and metabolism. Goiter and hypothyroidism are two conditions that can arise from the thyroid gland's inability to generate enough thyroid hormones when there is insufficient iodine in the body.


Your body's _______________ levels are regulated by the parathyroid.

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The body's calcium levels are regulated by the parathyroid gland. Calcium is a necessary mineral that is vital to many body processes, such as blood coagulation, muscular contraction, nerve communication, and bone health. The hormone parathyroid hormone (PTH), which is produced by the parathyroid gland, stimulates the release of calcium from bones, increases intestinal absorption of calcium, and decreases renal excretion of calcium, all of which contribute to the regulation of blood calcium levels. Calcium is the appropriate response as a result.

When the thyroid is__________ a goiter occurs.

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When the thyroid gland is hypoactive, or underactive and not releasing enough thyroid hormones, it might result in a goitre. This may result in symptoms like exhaustion, weight gain, and trouble focusing. To stop more issues and enhance general health, it's critical to identify and treat hypoactive thyroid.

Which hormone is generated when one is dehydrated?

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The hypothalamus produces antidiuretic hormone (ADH), also referred to as vasopressin, which is released by the pituitary gland in reaction to dehydration. Its primary job is to control the body's water balance by boosting the kidneys' ability to reabsorb water, lowering urine production, and preserving water. Thus, the hormone created during dehydration to support fluid balance and avoid excessive water loss is ADH.

Which of the following describe hyperthyroidism symptoms and signs?

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An overactive thyroid gland is a defining feature of hyperthyroidism. Hair loss, dry skin, and cold, clammy skin are all indications of hyperthyroidism. Increased perspiration can result in cold, clammy skin, whereas overproduction of thyroid hormones can cause dry skin and hair loss.

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