FREE R Programming Language MCQ Questions and Answers


What R syntax should I use to output "Hello World"?

Correct! Wrong!

R is a React alias.

Correct! Wrong!

R is not an alias of React. They are two distinct programming languages that have different purposes and syntax. R is primarily used for statistical computing and graphics, while React is used for building user interfaces in web development.

In R code, how do you add comments?

Correct! Wrong!

In R, the # character is used to indicate a comment.

You must specify a variable's data type in R.

Correct! Wrong!

In R, you do not have to explicitly declare the data type of a variable when you first create it. R is a dynamically typed language, which means that the data type of a variable is determined automatically based on the value assigned to it.

How do you make the variable x have the number 5 as its value?

Correct! Wrong!

In R, you can create a variable named x with the numeric value 5 using the assignment operator '<-.'

This creates a variable named x and assigns it the value 5. The <- operator assigns a value to a variable in R. You can then use the variable x in other calculations or operations in your R code.

Which function is frequently employed to combine elements?

Correct! Wrong!

The paste() function is often used to concatenate elements in R. The paste() part takes one or more character strings as input and combines them into a single character string.

How many variables with the same value are assigned in a single line?

Correct! Wrong!

In R, you can assign the same value to multiple variables in a single line using the assignment operator <-.

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