FREE R Programming Language: Computer Science 114 Questions and Answers


Which one of the following creates a string in R correctly?

Correct! Wrong!

The code user <- c("Jane", "Emily", "Shauna") creates a character vector in R, not a string.

Which of the following statements most accurately sums up R's operator?

Correct! Wrong!

The <- operator in R is used for assignment, meaning it assigns the value on the right-hand side to the variable on the left-hand side.

The starting index for R vectors is.

Correct! Wrong!

In R, vector indexing starts at 1, not 0. So the first element of a vector has index 1, the second element has index 2, and so on.

Which of the following best justifies changing an R string (or vector of strings) from lowercase to uppercase?

Correct! Wrong!

Converting R strings, or a vector of strings, to the upper case can be useful for several reasons, such as consistency, formatting, and comparison. However, one of the most appropriate reasons for converting a string to upper case is to aid in data validation.

What R classes exist for scalar data types?

Correct! Wrong!

To repeat over a functional matrix?

Correct! Wrong!

One way to iterate over a matrix in R is to use a nested for-loop. A nested for-loop is a loop within a loop, where the outer loop iterates over the rows of the matrix and the inner loop iterates over the columns.

The statements in the following program will be executed in the following order:
Line 1: print (''welcome'')
Line 2: printHello <- function() {
Line 3: print(''Hello'')
Line 4: }
Line 5: printHello()
Line 6: print(''done'')

Correct! Wrong!

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