FREE Orthopaedic Technologist Questions and Answers


Which of the following details is most crucial for determining a patient's degree of interest?

Correct! Wrong!

To get the entire picture, it is important to consider the type of activity, historical interest (10 years), recent
interest (1 year), current involvement, and future interest participation when assessing a patient's degree of
interest in activities.

The youngster continues to play a video game on an electronic table while the orthopaedic technologist is interviewing him. What should the orthopaedic technologist do first?

Correct! Wrong!

Asking the boy about his favorite applications is a solid strategy because getting along with an adolescent is
frequently essential to garnering cooperation.

For treatment of a left humerus fracture, a patient will receive side arm skin traction. In what areas are traction tapes used?

Correct! Wrong!

The upper arm traction tapes are extended past the elbow and attached to spreader and pulley weight
equipment to exert a horizontal strain on the humerus during side arm skin traction. Sets of traction tapes
are applied to both the forearm and upper arm.

What temperature should the water be while casting with extra-quick-setting plaster?

Correct! Wrong!

Because the warmer the water, the faster the plaster sets, cold water should be used with extra-fast-setting plaster

A baby with a clubfoot is wearing progressive plaster casts, and the present cast needs to be taken off. What is the most effective way to remove the cast?

Correct! Wrong!

The cast should be soaked in warm water until the plaster starts to soften and dissolve before being removed
from a baby or young toddler. The youngster can be submerged for about an hour in a small tub of warm
water with one tablespoon of vinegar added, after which the wrapping can be unrolled and taken off.

A patient in pelvic skin traction is given permission to use the restroom and requests assistance from the orthopaedic teacher to stand up. Should the orthopaedic technologist?

Correct! Wrong!

In order to avoid accidentally tripping over the straps while releasing a patient from pelvic skin traction, the
orthopaedic technologist must first take off the pelvic belt.

Which imaging method from the list below is best for identifying osteomyelitis brought on by an infected traumatic injury?

Correct! Wrong!

Even though each of the aforementioned imaging methods has a place, MRIs are the most useful for
diagnosing osteomyelitis because they can reveal how the infection has spread to both bone and soft tissue.

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