FREE Ohio Civil Service Public Service and Legal Questions and Answers


Wakanda needs to score at least 70 on each of the three math exams to pass. She received 64 and 80 on the first two tests. What grade must she obtain on the third test to pass?

Correct! Wrong!

Divide the total of all grades by the number of tests taken to determine the average rate. The sum can be calculated as Sum 3(70) or 210. The third score must be larger than or equal to 210 - 144, or 66, because the first two scores, 64 and 80, sum up to 144.`11111111hj`nnnnngtf

At 32, Alexander the Great passed away in Babylon in 323 BC. Before his passing, he had been ill and febrile for two weeks. The reason for his demise is a subject of much conjecture. Theoretical explanations include poisoning, murder, and several infectious diseases. A Plutarch-referenced instance could offer a crucial hint. A group of ravens greeted Alexander when he approached the city of Babylon just before his illness. Many of the birds came to perish at his feet because of their odd behavior. These birds' unusual behavior, interpreted as a bad prophecy at the time, is comparable to the illness and deaths of birds seen in the United States in the weeks before the discovery of the first instances of the West Nile virus in humans. According to this information, Alexander the Great may have passed away from encephalitis brought on by the West Nile virus.

The author believes that the illness and death of birds observed in the United States indicated that the birds in Babylon.

Correct! Wrong!

According to the author's theory, the encephalitis virus ultimately caused the birds to die. Then the infection spread among people, causing a West Nile encephalitis outbreak. The author contends that ancient Babylon and the contemporary United States experienced this chain of occurrences.

The first change that effectively established the framework for the current civil service structure was

Correct! Wrong!

The Pendleton Act, also known as the Civil Service Reform Act, was passed in 1883 and is widely regarded as the first legislation to effectively establish the framework for the current civil service structure in the United States. The act created a merit-based system for hiring and promoting government employees, based on competitive examinations rather than political patronage. The goal was to reduce corruption and ensure that government jobs were awarded based on merit and qualifications rather than political favoritism.

A person is considered bipartisan and is qualified for government employment after passing the civil service exam.

Correct! Wrong!

The civil service exam is a merit-based test that assesses the knowledge, skills, and abilities of individuals seeking to work in government agencies. It is designed to ensure that government jobs are filled based on merit rather than political patronage. However, being bipartisan means being impartial or neutral in politics, and passing the civil service exam does not necessarily indicate a person's political leanings or neutrality.

President Jackson used the following justifications to defend the spoils system:

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Five times more public sector workers were union members than private sector workers (34.9%) (6.6 percent)

The highest unionization rates were seen in the protective service and education, training, and libraries sectors, with 35.4 and 34.8 percent, respectively.

Compared to other workers, black employees had a higher rate of union membership.

The rate of union membership among states remained highest in New York (23.2%) and lowest in North Carolina (again) (2.9 percent).

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Each position is described in terms of the specialized knowledge needed, the degree of difficulty, and the duties involved.

Correct! Wrong!

Position classification refers to the process of analyzing and evaluating jobs within an organization to determine their relative worth and the level of skill and knowledge required to perform them. This process involves describing each position in terms of its specialized knowledge, the degree of difficulty, and the duties involved.

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