Free NWSA Site Safety and Health Questions and Answers


Which of the following PPE is essential for protecting workers from falling objects?

Correct! Wrong!

A hard hat is essential PPE for protecting workers from head injuries caused by falling objects.

What is the minimum safe distance to maintain from overhead power lines?

Correct! Wrong!

OSHA recommends maintaining a minimum distance of 10 feet from overhead power lines to prevent electrical hazards.

What is the key purpose of an Emergency Action Plan (EAP)?

Correct! Wrong!

An EAP outlines procedures for responding to various emergencies, ensuring that workers know how to react safely.

What is the primary objective of a Site Safety and Health Plan (SSHP)?

Correct! Wrong!

The primary objective of an SSHP is to ensure the safety and health of all workers on the site by identifying and mitigating potential hazards.

What should be done immediately if a worker is found unconscious on the job site?

Correct! Wrong!

The first action should be to call for emergency medical help to ensure the worker receives prompt medical attention.

What is the role of a safety officer on a construction site?

Correct! Wrong!

The safety officer's role is to ensure the site complies with safety regulations, conduct safety training, and address any safety concerns.

Which document should be consulted for information on handling hazardous materials?

Correct! Wrong!

An SDS provides detailed information about hazardous materials, including safe handling, storage, and emergency procedures.

How often should fire extinguishers be inspected on a job site?

Correct! Wrong!

Fire extinguishers should be inspected monthly to ensure they are in proper working condition and readily accessible.

What is the first step in conducting a hazard assessment on a job site?

Correct! Wrong!

The first step in a hazard assessment is to identify potential hazards that could pose risks to workers.

What is the purpose of a Job Safety Analysis (JSA)?

Correct! Wrong!

A JSA identifies potential hazards associated with specific job tasks and outlines control measures to mitigate those hazards.

Which type of fire extinguisher is suitable for a grease fire?

Correct! Wrong!

Class B fire extinguishers are designed for flammable liquids such as grease, gasoline, and oil.

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