FREE NIHSS Neurological Questions and Answers


How often should the NIHSS be administered to a patient who has experienced a stroke?

Correct! Wrong!

The NIHSS should be administered at regular intervals to monitor the patient’s progress and guide treatment decisions.

How is the level of consciousness assessed in the NIHSS?

Correct! Wrong!

Level of consciousness is assessed by asking the patient questions and giving simple commands.

Which of the following is NOT a component of the NIHSS?

Correct! Wrong!

The NIHSS assesses neurological function, including consciousness, language, and motor skills, but not blood glucose levels.

When assessing limb ataxia in the NIHSS, what is being evaluated?

Correct! Wrong!

Limb ataxia assessment evaluates coordination and smoothness of movements to identify cerebellar dysfunction.

Which of the following deficits is assessed under the "Motor Arm" section of the NIHSS?

Correct! Wrong!

The "Motor Arm" section evaluates the movement and strength of the arms.

How is the patient's ability to understand and use language evaluated in the NIHSS?

Correct! Wrong!

The language section assesses comprehension and expression by having the patient name objects and describe a picture.

What is the primary purpose of the NIH Stroke Scale (NIHSS)

Correct! Wrong!

The NIHSS is used to objectively quantify the impairment caused by a stroke.

In the NIHSS, what does a higher total score generally indicate?

Correct! Wrong!

A higher NIHSS score indicates more severe neurological impairment.

What does a score of 0 on the NIHSS indicate?

Correct! Wrong!

A score of 0 on the NIHSS indicates no neurological deficits.

Which aspect of vision is assessed by the NIHSS?

Correct! Wrong!

The NIHSS assesses peripheral vision and visual fields to detect visual field deficits.

Which item on the NIHSS assesses the patient's sensory function?

Correct! Wrong!

The sensory function is assessed by testing the patient's response to a pinprick on the face, arm, and leg.

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