FREE NBSTSA Trivia Questions and Answers
Which section of the small intestine is the first?
The pyloric sphincter in the stomach is where the duodenum begins.
Which of the following uses a binocular microscope to examine the cervix?
The procedure for inspecting the vagina is known as a colposcopy, and the word "colpo" is the root word for "vagina."
Which middle ear ossicle has the oval window covered?
The oval window, often known as the stapes, is the opening between the middle and inner ear.
When a patient is lying flat, where should the safety strap be fastened?
The safety belt should be positioned around two inches near the knees.
How are rickettsial diseases passed on?
The majority of rickettsiae are parasitic intracellular obligates. They typically spread via arthropod vectors.
What is the medical term for the situation where a bowel loop herniates into Douglas's cul-de-sac?
A herniation of Douglas' cul-de-sac known as an enterocele typically includes bowel loops.
What effects do antagonistic medications have?
An antagonist substance reverses the effects of another drug by neutralizing or obstructing its activity.
What type of surgery is used to treat a condition where the urethral meatus is located on the upper surface of the penis?
The congenital absence of the anterior wall of the urethra and incorrect placement of the urethral aperture on the dorsum of the penis are corrected with an epispadias repair.
What is the name for the bacterial motion-producing threadlike appendages?
Bacteria have tiny, thread-like appendages called flagella that give them motion.
What is the Kraske position's other name?
The Kraske position is also known as the "jack-knife" position.
Where can you find a Baker's cyst?
Popliteal fossa is affected by Baker's cysts.