FREE MCVSD Career Exploration Questions and Answers


What negative qualities will you be able to tolerate?

Correct! Wrong!

The correct answer is "Making up for other's mistakes" because it implies that the person is willing to be responsible for and fix the errors made by others. This suggests a level of patience, understanding, and willingness to take on additional work or responsibility. It shows a positive attitude towards teamwork and a willingness to support others, even when they make mistakes.

Every Interest profile has are variety of activities that can be linked directly to different career clusters. Characteristics of a Social career interest would be: (check all boxes that would relate)

Correct! Wrong!

The correct answer is based on the characteristics mentioned in the question. It states that a social career interest involves communication being very important and involves helping other people. These two characteristics align with the description of a social career interest.

The Interest Profile of Investigative would include careers and occupations that involve working with ideas; with extensive amount of thinking. A career that would fall into this category would be:

Correct! Wrong!

The interest profile of Investigative individuals involves working with ideas and requires extensive thinking. Forensic scientists fit this profile as they use scientific methods and critical thinking skills to analyze evidence and solve crimes. They work with complex data and use their analytical skills to draw conclusions and make deductions. This career requires a strong ability to think critically and apply scientific principles, making it a suitable choice for individuals with an investigative interest profile.

How many career clusters are there identified in the video that was viewed?

Correct! Wrong!

The video that was viewed identified a total of 16 career clusters.

Every Interest profile has are variety of activities that can be linked directly to different career clusters. Characteristics of a Social career interest would be: (check all boxes that would relate)

Correct! Wrong!

The study of building hospitals would fall under the career cluster of Architecture and Construction. This is because the construction of hospitals involves architectural design and construction techniques, which are key components of this career cluster.

Realistic is a Career Interest Profile.

Correct! Wrong!

Realistic is indeed a career interest profile. It is one of the six main interest profiles identified by John Holland's theory of career choice. Realistic individuals are practical, hands-on, and enjoy working with tools, machinery, and physical materials. They are often drawn to careers in skilled trades, engineering, construction, and other fields that involve practical problem-solving and physical work.

The study of building hospitals would be included in which career cluster?

Correct! Wrong!

The study of building hospitals would fall under the career cluster of Architecture and Construction. This is because the construction of hospitals involves architectural design and construction techniques, which are key components of this career cluster.

Understanding your personal interests will help you make a better career decision.

Correct! Wrong!

Understanding your personal interests is important when making a career decision because it allows you to align your career choices with your passions and preferences. When you have a clear understanding of what you enjoy and what motivates you, you are more likely to find job satisfaction and fulfillment. By considering your personal interests, you can choose a career path that not only matches your skills and abilities but also brings you joy and a sense of purpose. This can lead to increased job performance, higher levels of engagement, and overall career success.

Check each item that has some affect on your career success.

Correct! Wrong!

Education, personality traits, and talents are all factors that can have an impact on an individual's career success. Education provides the necessary knowledge and skills required for a specific career path. Personality traits such as determination, resilience, and adaptability can greatly influence how individuals navigate their careers and handle challenges. Talents, which refer to natural abilities or skills, can also play a significant role in career success by allowing individuals to excel in certain areas or industries. Therefore, considering and developing these aspects can contribute to a successful career.

All careers can easily fit into one of the Interest Profiles.

Correct! Wrong!

This statement is false because not all careers can easily fit into one of the Interest Profiles. Interest Profiles are based on individual preferences and interests, and careers can vary greatly in terms of skills, qualifications, and job requirements. While some careers may align well with certain interest profiles, there are many careers that may not fit neatly into any specific profile. Therefore, it is incorrect to claim that all careers can easily fit into one of the Interest Profiles.

Career clusters are for students who are not going to college.

Correct! Wrong!

Career clusters are not exclusively for students who are not going to college. In fact, career clusters are designed to provide students with a framework to explore various career options and make informed decisions about their future. They can be beneficial for all students, whether they plan on attending college or not. By exploring different career clusters, students can gain valuable insights into different industries, job roles, and skills required, which can help them in choosing a college major or career path that aligns with their interests and goals.

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