FREE Master Addiction Counselor Exam MCQ Question and Answers


Client assessment and client screening differ in one of the following ways:

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An evaluation is more thorough and continues throughout the therapeutic experience, whereas a drug screening is conducted at the beginning of the therapy process. While assessment clarifies the type, course, and anticipated consequences of treatment that has already been determined to be essential, screening attempts to determine whether professional assistance is warranted. An in-depth analysis of the client's traits, objectives, and issues will be done throughout the assessment, with the purpose of developing a tailored treatment program. As the client advances and/or new challenges present themselves, the objective established and their progress in accordance with the treatment plan must be continuously evaluated and amended. A more thorough evaluation, supported by assessment tools when appropriate, can provide answers to issues like
1. What is the anticipated result?
2. What kind of therapy would work best?
3. What adjustments, education, and new abilities will be required
4. What changes in lifestyle are required?
5. Any legal or medical issues that require attention, etc.

Except for one, all of the following acronyms refer to quick alcohol screening tools:

Correct! Wrong!

DAST stands for "drug abuse screening test," which consists of 20 unweighted, "yes/no" questions with a maximum score of 20. The Substance Addiction Problem Checklist includes a simple in-depth substance abuse screening tool (SAPC). More than 300 questions are included in it, divided into eight categories (treatment motivation, health, personality, social interactions, employment, use/misuse of leisure time, religious/spiritual perspectives, and legal issues). CAGE is a four-question screening tool for alcohol use disorders. There are 10 questions in the AUDIT (Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test). The MAST (Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test) has 24 weighted "yes/no" questions about alcohol consumption with a maximum score of 53 and a cutoff of 20. (above which indicates severe alcoholism). The Alcohol Use Inventory (AUI), another tool, provides multiple-choice alternatives from which different scales can be deduced. It examines alcohol consumption, significant negative effects of drinking, and personal knowledge of an alcohol problem.

Comprehensive evaluation tools are only required in the field of substance abuse (as opposed to simple self-administered screening techniques) when:

Correct! Wrong!

Although quick screening techniques are useful, more thorough assessment tools are needed for actual treatment planning. The Addiction Severity Index is a popular tool for planning addiction therapy (ASI). It addresses seven problem areas: health, employment, drug use, legal situation, family and social interactions, and psychological situation. Each category is rated by the client and the clinician (zero = no treatment required; nine = life-threatening issue). The end result is a thorough plan to deal with the most serious issues. The Comprehensive Drinker Profile is a comprehensive tool with an alcohol focus (CDP). The instrument generates the equivalent of a MAST score and a distinct alcohol dependence score, around which behavioral interventions can be built, and it covers a wide range of information. The Inventory of Drinking Scenarios (IDS), which examines behavior in eight drinking situations, and the Situational Confidence Questionnaire can be used to measure cognitive-behavioral drinking characteristics (SCQ). Both enable the creation of methods for better controlling drinking habits.

The client must comprehend the course of treatment because:

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This is supported by the Addiction Technology Transfer Centers (ATTC) National Curriculum Committee, which also stipulates that clients have a right to assess knowledge and that addiction counselors must be:
1. Willing to haggle and engage in dialog with customers
2. Respect the client and other parties' goals, values, and input
3. Keep in mind the demands and perceptions of the client as well as concerns related to gender and culture.
4. Value customer feedback on the particular procedures, results, and objectives at stake.
5. keep an open mind to different tactics and techniques for bringing about change.
One example of a high-priority client objective is
1. achieving financial stability and/or pursuing new academic and/or professional objectives.
2. resolving legal matters
3. strengthening and preserving good family ties
4. enhancing social abilities and networks of support
5. enhancing life skills (such as stress management, problem-solving, emotional/mood regulation, and relaxation).
6. enhancing fitness and health

The abbreviation SAMI is used in the field of substance misuse treatment to mean:

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For people with major mental illness and a concurrent diagnosis of substance dependence, SAMI programs offer evaluation, advice, and treatment. To achieve recovery, people who are dealing with substance misuse, mental illness, or other concomitant concerns (crime, HIV disease, pregnancy, etc.) often require more than counseling and professionally supervised activities. To help the recovering person with matters such as schooling, housing, employment, transportation, child care, etc., case management may be required. In order to further reduce drug use through therapeutic and rehabilitative services, case management aims to offer a continuum of services that help people rebuild relationships, improve their self-image, engage in prosocial activities, etc. Other case management-focused initiatives, including TASC (Treatment Accessibility for Safer Communities), have arisen to provide alternatives to jail, such as mandatory treatment and multimodal support.

Case managers are most effectively characterized as:

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Case managers need to be proficient with a wide range of problems, solutions, and tools. Therefore, a generalist practice framework is best for case managers. Seven fundamental social service activities make up case management within a framework for substance misuse treatment:
1. involvement (establishing s positive relationship and demonstrating prompt and effective service - e.g. assistance in completing forms, etc.)
2. analysis (typically focused on immediate goals and needs)
3. preparing (usually involving sequential, escalating progress)
4. connection (program/agency referrals)
5. monitoring ( tracking progress)
6. Support (assertive client representation)
7. Disconnection (appropriately timed close closure)
However, linking and advocacy are often the primary areas of case management's attention. The interdisciplinary team and organization that the case managers work for typically set case management guidelines.

All except one of the following are considered "practice activities" by the case management team:

Correct! Wrong!

Directly providing treatment or counseling is not included in case management practice activities, but they do include:
1. Assessment and planning using a comprehensive assessment that goes beyond substance abuse issues. This is frequently best achieved by classifying information into life domains (health, employment, family, legal, etc.), from which to identify the resources that will sustain recovery and barriers that might obstruct it. The overall recovery strategy, psychosocial planning, and the sequencing and coordination of the required services are all included in the case management plan.
2. Referrals find the best resources and services for the client, inform them, give them particular contacts, and then follow up to make sure the client follows through.
3. Resource sequencing, ongoing advocacy, ongoing client education, social support development (family, friends, etc.) within the parameters of confidentiality, and meticulous record keeping of progress and ongoing issues and concerns are all parts of service coordination and documentation.

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