FREE Licensed Practical Nurse Question and Answers


A 5-year-old girl with a fever, chills, and trouble walking is taken to the emergency room by her grandmother. The nurse makes an effort to undress the infant but finds it difficult. The nurse also discovered bruising near the vaginal region after conducting a thorough examination. Which of the following should the nurse start with?

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In cases of suspected child abuse, the nurse has a legal obligation and a priority to call the police. Unaccounted-for genital injuries, a refusal to take off clothing, a preference for wearing several layers of clothing, trouble moving or sitting down owing to genital or anal pain, and symptoms of sexually transmitted illnesses are all indicators of sexual abuse in children ages 0 to 5.

A patient using hydrochlorothiazide is told to eat more potassium in her diet. The best treat for a patient who needs more potassium is:

Correct! Wrong!

The avocado, which has 487 mg of potassium per half serving, is the fruit that contains the most potassium of the options.

After the thyroid was removed, the patient is being treated by the nurse. Following surgery, the nurse should:

Correct! Wrong!

The patient should be positioned in a semi-Fowler position after a thyroidectomy to reduce edema that could obstruct the airway.

A patient with persistent dyspepsia who was admitted to the hospital is found to have gastric cancer. Which of the following is linked to a higher incidence of stomach cancer?

Correct! Wrong!

Preservatives like nitrites, which have been connected to stomach cancer, are present in luncheon meats.

After being accused of setting a fire, a patient is sent to the psychiatric ward for a forensic assessment. The antisocial personality disorder is his preliminary diagnosis. The nurse would anticipate discovering after looking through the client's file

Correct! Wrong!

the diagnosis of conduct disorder in children, which develops into the diagnosis of antisocial personality disorder in adults, along with a history of cruelty to people and animals, truancy, and setting fires.

A patient's primary care cannot be assumed by a registered vocational nurse:

Correct! Wrong!

The patient's primary care should only be assumed by a licensed nurse with training in and background in caring for a venous access device.

The doctor has prescribed Sulfamylon cream dressings for a patient who has full-thickness burns on his or her hands and arms. The following should come first for the nurse when changing dressings:

Correct! Wrong!

Before changing the dressing on the burn wound, the client should take pain medicine since sulfamylon causes a painful sensation.


A normal blood sugar range is 80 to 180. False or true?

Correct! Wrong!

The normal blood sugar range varies depending on the context, but generally, a normal fasting blood sugar level is considered to be between 70 and 100 mg/dL (3.9 to 5.6 mmol/L). After eating, blood sugar levels can temporarily rise, but typically they should return to the normal range within a few hours. The range of 80 to 180 mg/dL (4.4 to 10 mmol/L) is often used as a target range for blood sugar control in people with diabetes, but it is not considered the normal range for individuals without diabetes. It's important to note that specific target ranges may vary depending on an individual's age, health conditions, and other factors, and it's always best to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized guidance on blood sugar management.

What exactly are gonads?

Correct! Wrong!

Gonads are reproductive organs found in males and females that are responsible for the production of gametes (sex cells) and the secretion of sex hormones. In males, the gonads are called testes, and in females, they are called ovaries.

The testes are the male gonads and are responsible for the production of sperm cells through a process called spermatogenesis. They also secrete testosterone, the primary male sex hormone.

During uterine contractions, moms create the hormone _________, which causes nursing mothers to expel milk.

Correct! Wrong!

During uterine contractions, the hormone oxytocin is released by the mother's body. Oxytocin is responsible for stimulating and coordinating the contractions of the uterine muscles during childbirth. It plays a crucial role in the initiation and progression of labor.

Vasopressin _____________ urine production.

Correct! Wrong!

Vasopressin, also known as antidiuretic hormone (ADH), decreases urine production. It is produced by the hypothalamus and released by the pituitary gland. One of the primary functions of vasopressin is to regulate the body's water balance and maintain appropriate fluid levels.

Due to the maturity of ________________, WBCs in children aid in the battle against infection.

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Which glands control hormone levels by negative feedback?

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The inappropriate rise in growth hormones is the cause of ____________ and __________.

Please select 2 correct answers

Correct! Wrong!

One of the primary causes of dwarfism is a group of genetic disorders known as skeletal dysplasias. These disorders result in abnormal bone growth and development, leading to shorter stature. Examples of skeletal dysplasias include achondroplasia, hypochondroplasia, and osteogenesis imperfecta.

Growth hormone (GH) abnormalities, on the other hand, can lead to conditions such as gigantism or acromegaly, which are characterized by excessive growth rather than dwarfism. Gigantism occurs when there is an overproduction of growth hormone before the closure of the growth plates during childhood, leading to excessive growth in height. Acromegaly occurs when there is excess growth hormone production in adulthood, causing the enlargement of certain body parts like the hands, feet, and facial features.


For the thyroid hormone to work effectively, ____________ is required.

Correct! Wrong!

For the thyroid hormone to work effectively, iodine is required. The thyroid gland produces two primary hormones: thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). These hormones contain iodine atoms, and iodine is an essential component for their synthesis.

Your body's ______________ levels are controlled by the parathyroid.

Correct! Wrong!

The parathyroid glands are responsible for controlling the levels of calcium in the body. The parathyroid glands are four small glands located on or near the thyroid gland in the neck.

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