FREE Learn Spanish For Beginners Questions and Answers


What is the right way to translate "telephone" in spanish?

Correct! Wrong!

"El teléfono" is the correct translation for "telephone" in Spanish.

In Spanish, how do you say "Good morning"?

Correct! Wrong!

"Good morning" is "Buenos días."

In Spanish, how do you say "Good afternoon"?

Correct! Wrong!

"Good afternoon" is "Buenas tardes."

What does "Good evening" sound like in Spanish?

Correct! Wrong!

The correct answer for "Good evening" is "Buenas noches."

What is the right way to translate "Please" in spanish?

Correct! Wrong!

The correct answer for "Please" is "Por favor."

How do you express gratitude in spanish?

Correct! Wrong!

Which translation of "Thank you very lot" is accurate?

Correct! Wrong!

The correct translation for "Thank you very much" is "Muchas gracias."

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