FREE HI Bar Professional Responsibility Questions and Answers


Which of the following is a duty that attorneys in Hawaii owe to their clients?

Correct! Wrong!

Attorneys in Hawaii must keep all information related to the representation of a client confidential, with limited exceptions.

What is required of an attorney in Hawaii before entering into a contingent fee agreement?

Correct! Wrong!

Contingent fee agreements in Hawaii must be in writing and clearly state how the fee will be calculated.

Under Hawaii's Rules of Professional Conduct, when is it permissible for an attorney to represent a client with interests directly adverse to another client?

Correct! Wrong!

In Hawaii, an attorney may represent conflicting interests only if both clients give informed consent in writing.

Which of the following actions is considered professional misconduct for an attorney in Hawaii?

Correct! Wrong!

Engaging in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit, or misrepresentation. Such conduct is considered professional misconduct under Hawaii's Rules of Professional Conduct.

Under Hawaii's Rules of Professional Conduct, what must an attorney do if they wish to withdraw from representing a client?

Correct! Wrong!

Obtain permission from the court, if required, and take steps to avoid prejudice to the client. An attorney must ensure that the client is not adversely affected by the withdrawal.

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