FREE GGST Numerical Reasoning Question and Answers
Which job has the highest average bonus for supervisors and support staff combined?

Finance has the highest supervisor average bonus at £5370. (all other functions are lower). Finance has the largest average bonus for support personnel, at £1480, compared to all other categories, which are lower. As a result, "Finance" is the right response.
Which role between supervisors and support staff exhibits the biggest difference in total (base and bonus) average pay?

With IT Support Staff, the total base salary and bonus for IT Supervisors is £52940 plus £4500, or £57440. The difference between £57440 and £16800 is £40,640, which stands out as the function with the biggest difference. It follows that "IT" is correct.
Which group's bonus represents the biggest proportion of basic pay?

The greatest bonus as a percentage of base pay goes to finance supervisors. Since the other functions are smaller than 11.9%, £5370/£45100*100 equals 11.9%. So, the appropriate answer is "Finance Supervisors."
Which department also receives a commission on top of their bonus?

There is no mention of whether any employee in any function received an additional commission. Consequently, "Cannot Say"
How much more fuel (diesel/petrol) than food/groceries were sold in 2015, if the total amount of sales was £265m?

10% (Food/groceries) represents £26.5 million; 62% (Fuel) represents £164.3 million. The right answer is "£137.8m," as £164.3m - £26.5m equals £137.8m.
What percentage of the investment will these profits be if a corporation purchases SDSS Engineering for £14,000,000 and profits increase by 20% in year 7?

Profits rise by 20% - £610k+20%=£732k. £732,000/£14,000,000% = 5.2%, therefore "5.2%" is correct.
Should be: Profits rise by 20%
Therefore, profit in Year 7 = (100% +20%) of £610k=£732k.
Outlay = £14,000,000
(732,000/14,000,000)*100 = 5.2;
therefore "5.2%" is correct.
In 2015, how many tons (millions) of fuel were sold?

How many tons of fuel were sold is not mentioned or indicated. So "Cannot Say" is the proper response.