FREE Firearm Safety Certificate (FSC) Questions and Answers Part 1


Muzzleloading weapons can safely use smokeless powder.

Correct! Wrong!

Black powder is not nearly as potent as smokeless powder. Any muzzleloader can quickly explode if smokeless powder is used in it.

Always using safety is a good idea, but you should never rely on it.

Correct! Wrong!

Safety is crucial for ethical reasons. Nobody wants to get harmed, and nobody likes it when someone else does. Safety is crucial for financial reasons: You incur expenses when you are in an accident. This can be bad for your company.

In California, incendiary bullet-loaded rifle cartridges are permitted.

Correct! Wrong!

California law permits the use of shotgun shells with flechettes within. Federal law prohibits buying weapons in violation (straw purchase). If your semiautomatic weapon's magazine has been removed, you can fairly presume that it is unloaded.

In California, shotgun shells with flechettes within are permitted.

Correct! Wrong!

In California, shotgun shells with flechettes within are permitted. A federal offense is making an unauthorized straw purchase of a firearm. Once the magazine has been taken out of your semiautomatic weapon, you can fairly presume that it is empty. When high-powered firearms are being fired, hearing protection should always be used.

Federal law prohibits the "straw purchase" of firearms.

Correct! Wrong!

A federal offense is making an unauthorized straw purchase of a firearm. Once the magazine has been taken out of your semiautomatic weapon, you can fairly presume that it is empty. When high-powered firearms are being fired, hearing protection should always be used.

Once the magazine has been taken out of your semiautomatic weapon, you can fairly presume that it is empty.

Correct! Wrong!

No, the chamber may contain a cartridge. Even if the gun has a magazine disconnect safety, it might not be functional.

When high-powered firearms are being fired, hearing protection should always be used.

Correct! Wrong!

Without ear protection, shooting a gun can seriously harm your eardrum.


Choose the safest direction to point a gun's muzzle.

Correct! Wrong!

The direction of your shooting targets is known as "downrange." It is advisable to maintain this muzzle angle when shooting at targets. Depending on where you are and what you are doing, a different direction will be the safest to point the barrel of your pistol.

It is the responsibility of the person handling the firearm to constantly assess which direction is the safest in a given circumstance and make any adjustments.

When should you press the gun's trigger with your finger?

Correct! Wrong!

Until you are prepared to fire the gun, keep your finger away from the trigger and outside the trigger guard's perimeter. By adhering to this rule, you can reduce the likelihood of a "accidental discharge," which occurs when the gun fires when you are not expecting it and it is unsafe to do so.

Make it a habit to maintain your trigger finger stretched straight forward, away from the trigger, and outside of the trigger guard.

When should you make sure a gun is unloaded before using it?

Correct! Wrong!

A fundamental tactic to guarantee that a firearm never shoots accidently is to make it a habit to check to determine if it is loaded before handling. Every firearm should always be handled as if it were loaded, even after being checked.

Choose the safest backstop while shooting targets.

Correct! Wrong!

Bullets can travel far beyond your target and can pierce a variety of common materials. For this reason, it's crucial to have a backstop that is both thick enough to entirely stop a bullet's movement and tall enough to prevent unintentional overshooting.

A fantastic approach to accomplish this blend of thickness and height is to shoot into a hillside.

Before firing your gun, be familiar with how to:

Correct! Wrong!

In addition to being vital for the sport of shooting, knowing how to load, unload, and correct malfunctions is also a crucial safety ability. If you load a gun and it becomes hazardous to shoot before putting it away safely, you should be able to unload it.

Similar to this, every problem must be properly and successfully fixed before shooting resumes to prevent damage, harm, or death.

Guns and ammo should be stored as follows:

Correct! Wrong!

California law mandates the separate storage of ammunition and firearms because it increases security. A kid or inexperienced individual may learn how to load and chamber a lethal bullet if ammunition and a handgun are around.

The likelihood of this occurring, however, is substantially lower if they are stored separately.

Making sure a child cannot obtain a firearm is:

Correct! Wrong!

You shall be held criminally responsible as the owner of the handgun if you fail to store a firearm securely and a child manages to use it to cause harm or death or carries it into a public area.

Allowing a child to access a loaded firearm may result in a misdemeanor or felony conviction, unless the gun was initially locked away.


There isn't anything like:

Correct! Wrong!

When there are guns and kids in the same house, extreme caution should be taken. Utilizing all available safety measures has no drawbacks.

Contrarily, failing to manage firearms securely and consistently could have disastrous effects because it just takes a second for a youngster to unintentionally get hurt or killed by coming into contact with an unsecured or dangerous handgun.

What should kids learn to do if they come upon a gun?

Correct! Wrong!

Given their inherent curiosity, kids will be quite fascinated if they ever come across an abandoned handgun.

It will be in their natural tendency to pick it up or touch it, which could be fatal. The greatest method to stop a risky situation from becoming a catastrophe is to teach kids to stop, don't touch, leave the area, and alert an adult.

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