FREE FELE Organizational Development Questions and Answers


Communication from the middle school is directed to parents through emails and social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter. After relatively few parents come to curriculum nights and parent conferences, the school decides to focus on a plan to increase attendance. What two solutions would be the most reasonable to consider?

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If parents do not hear about the event, they will not be able to attend. Schools should gather information on parents' preferred communication methods. If Internet or phone access is not available to some parents, schools should consider multiple and varied communication options.

The parents at an elementary school have complained that they feel uninformed about campus happenings. Which external method of communication should the principal institute to keep parents informed?

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Consistent, relevant communication via multiple platforms will reduce the feelings parents are vocalizing. It also presents parents with the opportunity to plan and participate in campus activities.

A school principal is interviewing candidates for an eighth-grade social studies position. They are looking for an educator who has had success in the past collaborating with paraprofessionals to provide inclusion support.

Which of the following questions should the principal include in the interview to determine the candidate's ability to fill this need?

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This is the best example of a prompt that focuses on the principal's primary goal of determining whether this person has positive experience working in some sort of co-teaching model with other educators.

A principal has completed an observation of one of the fifth-grade classrooms. She had reviewed the teacher's lesson plan prior to the lesson and used a rubric during the observation to note strengths and weaknesses. The lesson went smoothly, with many strengths identified and a few areas for growth. There was one instance where a group of students became distracted and off task, arguing over something that had happened at lunch, but the teacher quickly redirected their behavior and continued with the lesson. Which of the following actions should the principal take following the observation?

Correct! Wrong!

Teachers should be provided an in-person opportunity to discuss an observation with the administrator.

A world history teacher is experiencing difficulty assessing student learning during the lesson. Which of the following is not a formative assessment strategy the principal can encourage the teacher to employ?

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Oral presentations are a skill-based demonstration of learning; a summative assessment rather than a formative assessment.

Over the summer, the sixth-grade ELA teachers each attended a reading and writing workshop. How can the principal best support these teachers as they implement these new instructional practices into their classes for the fall semester?

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By providing designated time to plan and reflect on progress, the principal will be prioritizing the implementation of the new classroom systems.

A middle school principal is facilitating a series of book studies as a form of professional development. The principal has formed a committee of teachers to select books based on identified opportunities for growth campus-wide. Staff will have the opportunity to choose from a preselected list of books and will meet with the teachers who choose the same book over the next several months to discuss and reflect on the content of the book. The teachers are free to choose any of the books listed regardless of the grade level or content area that they teach.

What additional steps should the principal take to support the success of the book studies?

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Discussion boards and other technological tools can help the groups remain in contact between group meetings because whole group meetings will be more challenging to schedule.


After analyzing data from parent-teacher conferences and curriculum nights, the principal notes an alarming drop in parent attendance numbers each year for the last three years. The structure and format of these events have not changed. What is the best approach for the principal in dealing with this concern?

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There is a connection between student achievement and parent involvement in a child's education. Partnerships that develop first with teachers will increase the connection between home and school and have the greatest impact on parents feeling welcome at school events.

Each summer, the district provides new-to-district orientation for all new hires. This meeting covers district-wide goals and policies. What additional steps should the principal take to onboard new teachers to their campus?

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While campus goals will include the goals set at the district level, there will also be specific goals related to the challenges at the individual campus. Campus-level orientation after a district-wide meeting should focus on the specific campus content and provide the new hire with resources that will help them from day-to-day, like being assigned a peer teacher.

Classroom walk-throughs can be a valuable tool for an administrator. The building principal of a high school wants to make sure that he and his assistant principals have a clear understanding of the purpose and process before they start walk-throughs for the year. Which of the following is not an accurate description of a walk-through?

Correct! Wrong!

Walk-throughs provide a snapshot of instruction that is informal in nature and non-evaluative.

A new middle school has been built in a rural school district. District leaders have met with building administration to establish communication goals and intended outcomes of community partnerships. After a series of district-level meetings, the principal establishes goals and methods to communicate school progress. Which of the following is the best course of action to be taken by the principal?

Correct! Wrong!

Input from various stakeholders in the community is crucial when establishing positive community partnerships.

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