FREE Emotional Intelligence (Personality and Self) Questions and Answers


You're in an airplane that suddenly experiences severe turbulence and starts to rock back and forth. How do you behave?

Correct! Wrong!

If you experience extreme turbulence on an airplane, it is recommended to follow the instructions of the flight attendants and fasten your seatbelt securely. It's important to remain calm and avoid panicking, as this can make the situation worse. You can also close your eyes, take deep breaths, and distract yourself with a book or movie to help alleviate any anxiety. However, it's important to stay aware of any changes in the situation and be ready to take action if necessary. Therefore, the best option would be to be a little of both - pay attention to the flight attendants and the emergency instructions card while also trying to stay calm and distract yourself.

Four-year-olds you've brought to the park begin to weep because the others won't play with them. How do you behave?

Correct! Wrong!

If a 4-year-old child is crying because the others won't play with her, it is important to address the situation and help the child feel included.

Consider a scenario in which you had hoped to receive an A in one of your classes but have recently learned that you only received a C-. How do you behave?

Correct! Wrong!

It can be discouraging if your midterm mark is worse than you anticipated, but you can still do things to advance in the course.

As an insurance salesperson, imagine calling potential customers. You've received 15 hang-up calls in a row, and you're starting to lose hope. How about you?

Correct! Wrong!

Although rejection from potential customers can be discouraging for an insurance salesperson, it's critical to maintain persistence and optimism.

You work as a manager for a company that seeks to promote racial and ethnic diversity. You overhear someone making a joke that is racist. How do you behave?

Correct! Wrong!

It is crucial for managers in organizations that value diversity to address any behavior that jeopardizes this objective.

You are attempting to calm down a friend who has become enraged at another motorist for cutting in front of him too closely in another automobile. How do you behave?

Correct! Wrong!

When trying to calm down a friend who is angry or upset, it is important to acknowledge their feelings and provide support.

Your quarrel with your boyfriend/girlfriend has become a yelling match. Both of you make unintentional personal assaults in the heat of the moment. What action should you take?

Correct! Wrong!

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