FREE ECMS Automation and API Questions and Answers


What is the purpose of configuration templates in Cisco Meraki's API?

Correct! Wrong!

Configuration templates in Cisco Meraki are used to apply a standard set of configurations across multiple devices or networks. This is especially useful for organizations with many locations or devices, as it ensures consistency and reduces manual configuration effort.

What is the primary use of the Cisco Meraki API?

Correct! Wrong!

The Cisco Meraki API allows for network automation. configuration management, and data retrieval. It is widely used to integrate Meraki networks with third-party applications and to automate repetitive task like device provisioning, network settings changes, and reporting.

What is a key advantage of using webhooks with the cisco Meraki platform?

Correct! Wrong!

Webhooks in the Cisco Meraki platform allow administrators to receive real-time alerts when specific events occur (e.g., device disconnects, security breaches) and can automate responses such as sending notifications, logging events, or triggering scripts for remediation.

Which of the following tasks can be automated using the Cisco Meraki API?

Correct! Wrong!

The Cisco Meraki API enables the automation of task like adding devices to network, configuring them based on predefined templates, and even updating network settings. This greatly simplifies large-scale deployments and repetitive configuration changes.

Which of the following can be retrieved through the Cisco Meraki API?

Correct! Wrong!

The Cisco Meraki API can retrieve a wide range of network-related data, such as network health metrics, device status, and client usage statistics. This data is useful for monitoring, reporting, and optimizing network performance.

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