FREE DLAB Knowledge Questions and Answers


The Gorgon word "Ritz" means "laugh." What does the term 'ritznaught' mean?

Correct! Wrong!

The suffix 'naught' means 'do not'.

What is ‘swagzil' if ‘swag' means ‘swim' in Cronian?

Correct! Wrong!

The suffix 'zil' indicates "do not."

The word "munch" means "drink" in Zephyrian. What is ‘do not drink'?

Correct! Wrong!

'nill' means 'do not'.

What does "vibenan" mean if "vibe" in Chelonian is a synonym for "play"?

Correct! Wrong!

The suffix "nan" implies "do not."

In Vulcan, ‘spock' means ‘think'. What does the term "spockcypher" mean?

Correct! Wrong!

The suffix 'cypher' means 'do not'.

If ‘lark' means ‘dance' in Martian, what is ‘larkneg'?

Correct! Wrong!

The suffix 'neg' implies 'do not'.

"Flux" means "sing" in the Andromedan language. How do you say "do not sing"?

Correct! Wrong!

The suffix "nix" means "do not."


The Dragonian word "Draco" means "fly". What does the term "draconix" mean?

Correct! Wrong!

The suffix "nix" means "do not."

What does “sanfrat” imply if “fratsan” means “heavy rock”?

Correct! Wrong!

Since "frat-" means "heavy" and "-san" means "rock," "-frat" means "metal."

What does “plamur” imply if “murpla” means “high mountain”?

Correct! Wrong!

Since "mur-" means "high" and "-pla" means "mountain", "-mur" means "hill".

What does “torkin” imply if “kintor” means “dark room”?

Correct! Wrong!

Since "kin-" means "dark" and "-tor" means "room," "-kin" means "house."

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