FREE Data Science Analysis Question and Answers


What data science requirement is the most fundamental?

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When would a Wilcoxson Rank Sum test be appropriate?

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When you send a MapReduce task to a Hadoop cluster, you discover that even though it was sent successfully, the job has not yet been finished. What ought you to do?

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On a bank's website, information has been gathered about visitors' viewing patterns. Which method is employed to determine which pages are frequently viewed simultaneously on the website?

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Association rules are merely descriptive; they give an overview of how the qualities relate to one another as shown by the examples in the existing data set.

Therefore, recommendations may only be made based on the tone and topic matter of the present article. The magazine's whole collection of articles is kept in a database in a manner that is suited for analytics. Which approach ought the data scientist to test out first?

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Clustering is a type of unsupervised learning, denoted by the letter K. When they have a ton of unlabeled data, data scientists use it (any info without defined groups or categories.) K denotes that data for different groups are sought after by clustering.

What role does the Reduce function play in the MapReduce framework?

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The task of creating a model from a reporting data warehouse is given to a data scientist. The warehouse houses data that has been processed through a difficult, multi-stage ETL process using data gathered from numerous sources. What should the data scientist be worried about in terms of the data?

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