FREE CWCA Fundamentals of Skin and Wound Care Questions and Answers


Which are methods to apply moist cold?

Correct! Wrong!

A compress is a method used to apply moist cold. It involves soaking a cloth or towel in cold water, wringing out the excess water, and then applying it to the affected area. The moisture from the compress helps to cool down the area and provide relief. Cold packs and ice bags can also be used to apply moist cold by placing them directly on the skin. Cooling sponge bath is a method of applying moist cold by using a sponge soaked in cold water to bathe the body.

This phase of healing increases from day 3 or 4 until day 21 and then injury. Collagen extends in the area. Capillaries go across the wound.

Correct! Wrong!

The given explanation suggests that the correct answer is the proliferative phase. This phase of healing typically occurs from day 3 or 4 until day 21 after an injury. During this phase, collagen extends in the area, and capillaries grow across the wound.

These are surgical wounds in which the respiratory, alimentary, genital, or urinary tract has been entered:

Correct! Wrong!

Clean-contaminated wounds refer to surgical wounds in which the respiratory, alimentary, genital, or urinary tract has been entered under controlled conditions with no evidence of infection. These wounds have a higher risk of infection compared to clean wounds, as they involve a sterile body cavity or organ system but with potential contamination from the surgical procedure itself. Therefore, these wounds require special attention and precautions to prevent infection.

Wounds are left open for 3-5 days for edema, infection, or exudate to drain.

Correct! Wrong!

Tertiary healing refers to the process of wound healing where the wound is left open for a period of time to allow for drainage of edema, infection, or exudate. This approach is used when there is a high risk of infection or when the wound is contaminated. By leaving the wound open, any fluid buildup or infection can be expelled, promoting a cleaner and healthier healing environment. This method can help reduce the risk of complications and promote more efficient healing.

Wounds on the hard parts don't require ointments.

Correct! Wrong!

Wounds on hard parts, such as bones or cartilage, may require ointments for proper healing. Ointments can provide a protective barrier, promote healing, and prevent infection. Therefore, the statement that wounds on hard parts don't require ointments is incorrect.

Wound Salve can be used like a(n)

Correct! Wrong!

Wound Salve can be used as a liquid band-aid because it is a type of ointment or gel that can be applied directly to a wound to protect it and promote healing. Like a liquid band-aid, it forms a protective barrier over the wound, preventing dirt and bacteria from entering and reducing the risk of infection. Additionally, it can help to stop bleeding and provide some pain relief.

This exudate is hemorrhagic, contains a large number of RBCs, and shows severe damage to capillaries.

Correct! Wrong!

The given description states that the exudate is hemorrhagic, meaning it contains blood. It also mentions a large number of red blood cells and severe damage to capillaries. Based on this information, the correct answer is "Sanguineous" which refers to a bloody or blood-tinged exudate.

Full-thickness skin loss involving damage or necrosis of subcutaneous tissue

Correct! Wrong!

Stage III is the correct answer because it involves full-thickness skin loss that extends into the subcutaneous tissue, which can result in damage or necrosis. This stage indicates a more severe level of tissue damage compared to Stage I and Stage II, where the skin loss is partial and does not extend into the subcutaneous tissue. Stage IV is the most severe stage, involving extensive tissue damage, including muscle, bone, or supporting structures.

Wounds must be cleaned before applying ointments.

Correct! Wrong!

It is important to clean wounds before applying ointments because cleaning helps remove dirt, debris, and bacteria from the wound. This reduces the risk of infection and promotes proper healing. Ointments can then be applied to provide a protective barrier and aid in the healing process.

Miracle Clay is an effective way to

Correct! Wrong!

Miracle Clay is effective for all of the mentioned purposes - soothing a burn, pulling a stinger out of a sting, and pulling venom from a bite. It can be used as a versatile remedy for various skin-related issues caused by burns, stings, or bites.

What product did Lavon put on an employee after an injury?

Correct! Wrong!

Lavon put Trace Minerals Concentrate on an employee after an injury.

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