FREE CFSC Safe Handling and Manipulation of Firearms Questions and Answers


Using a firearm’s safety guarantees that a firearm will never accidentally fire

Correct! Wrong!

Safety is a mechanical device and any mechanical device can fail. Use them, but never depend on them.

The first rule of safety when handling firearms is to assume every firearm to be loaded.

Correct! Wrong!

The first rule of firearm safety is to always assume that every firearm is loaded, even if you believe it to be unloaded. This mindset ensures cautious and safe handling practices, minimizing the risk of accidents or injury.

The sling carry is also known as the cradle carry.

Correct! Wrong!

The sling carry and the cradle carry are two different methods of carrying a firearm. The sling carry involves using a sling to carry the firearm over the shoulder, while the cradle carry involves cradling the firearm in the arms or hands. It's important to differentiate between the two for proper firearm handling and safety.

The sling carry should only be used with the right shoulder.

Correct! Wrong!

The sling carry can be used with either shoulder, depending on the shooter's preference or comfort. It's important to choose the shoulder that feels most natural and allows for safe and effective firearm handling.

The sling carry allows hunters to use their hands when standing still.

Correct! Wrong!

The sling carry enables hunters to free up their hands while standing still by supporting the firearm securely over the shoulder using the sling. This allows hunters to perform tasks such as adjusting gear, using optics, or navigating terrain without having to set down or constantly hold onto the firearm, promoting convenience and safety.

To examine the barrel of a bolt action firearm, you can remove the bolt and look from the breech.

Correct! Wrong!

To examine the barrel of a bolt action firearm, you can safely remove the bolt and inspect the bore from the breech end. This allows for a thorough visual inspection of the barrel's condition, ensuring it is clear of obstructions and safe to use.

It is safe to store ammunition in a tightly sealed metal container.

Correct! Wrong!

Ammunition cooks off. If it’s in a military-style ammo can, the can will swell and burst. The ammo will make a lot of noise, but it’s not as dangerous as when it’s in a gun barrel.


A .22LR cartridge will not go farther than 1 mile.

Correct! Wrong!

Twenty-two long rifle ammo often comes with a warning on the box that its maximum range is 1.5 miles, but not everyone agrees with that figure. The NRA puts the maximum range of a standard velocity. 22 long rifle rounds at 1,588 yards, which is substantially less (there are 2,640 yards in 1.5 miles).

The smokeless powder can be safely used in muzzleloading firearms.

Correct! Wrong!

The use of smokeless powder in a gun not designed for it will result in serious injury or death! The gun may explode underneath you. Use what the manual states.

Ammunition head stamps are always found on rifle and handgun cartridges and shotshell cartridge heads.

Correct! Wrong!

A head stamp is the markings on the bottom of a cartridge case designed for a firearm. It usually tells who manufactured the case. If it is a civilian case it often also tells the caliber: if it is military, the year of manufacture is often added.

A suppressor (sometimes known as a ‘silencer’) is illegal in Canada.

Correct! Wrong!

Gun silencers, also known as gun suppressors, are illegal in Canada. However, some people are entitled to own and transport them.

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