FREE Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH) MCQ Questions and Answers


The beta, gamma, and x-rays are measured with this instrument:

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The Geiger-Muller counter is commonly used in various applications, including radiation monitoring in laboratories, hospitals, industrial settings, and environmental monitoring. It detects ionizing radiation by counting the number of ion pairs produced when radiation interacts with a gas-filled tube within the device. When ionizing radiation passes through the tube, it ionizes the gas atoms, and the resulting electric discharge is detected and amplified, producing an audible click or visual readout on the device.

A radiation accumulation measurement film badge is known as a:

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Dosimeters are devices that are worn by individuals who work in radiation-exposed environments, such as nuclear power plants, medical facilities, industrial settings, and research laboratories. The purpose of a dosimeter is to monitor and measure the cumulative dose of ionizing radiation received by the person wearing it over a specific period, usually a month or shorter.

Which of the following methods for reducing or removing exposure to occupational health risks is most effective?

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Administrative controls involve implementing policies, procedures, and work practices to minimize workers' exposure to hazards in the workplace. These controls are often applied after engineering controls have been considered and are used when it is not feasible to eliminate the hazard through engineering means.

Paper cannot be penetrated by this radiation because it is so faint.

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Alpha-particles are helium nuclei consisting of two protons and two neutrons. They are emitted during certain types of radioactive decay processes, such as alpha decay. Due to their relatively large size and positive charge, alpha-particles interact strongly with matter. They can be stopped or absorbed by a sheet of paper, the outer layer of human skin, or even a few centimeters of air.

Which two consequences can be arbitrarily separated from a substance's action?

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It is essential to consider both acute and chronic effects when evaluating the potential hazards of a substance to ensure the safety and well-being of individuals exposed to it. Occupational safety and health regulations often take into account both acute and chronic effects to establish exposure limits and protective measures for workers and the general public.

Non-ionizing radiation's detrimental effects on the body are mostly determined by:

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The harmful effects of non-ionizing radiation on the body depend largely on the frequency of the radiation. Non-ionizing radiation refers to electromagnetic radiation with lower energy levels, which are typically not powerful enough to ionize atoms or molecules. Examples of non-ionizing radiation include radio waves, microwaves, infrared radiation, visible light, and ultraviolet (UV) radiation.

It is very useful to substitute or replace harmful materials with innocuous ones.

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Substituting or replacing a toxic material with a harmless one is a very practical engineering control. Engineering controls are physical changes or modifications to the workplace environment, processes, or equipment designed to eliminate or reduce hazards at the source.


This undetectable low frequency radiation is used in diathermy, radar, communications, and cooking.

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Microwaves are a form of electromagnetic radiation with relatively long wavelengths, ranging from about one millimeter to one meter. They are part of the electromagnetic spectrum, which also includes radio waves, infrared radiation, visible light, ultraviolet radiation, X-rays, and gamma rays.

The skin's top layer is impermeable to this invisible low frequency radiation:

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Infrared (IR) radiation is a type of electromagnetic radiation with longer wavelengths than visible light but shorter than microwaves. It is not visible to the human eye, but it can be felt as heat when absorbed by the skin or other objects.

Around electric arcs, this type of radiation can be found, and it needs opaque shielding:

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Ultraviolet radiation is a type of electromagnetic radiation with shorter wavelengths than visible light. Electric arcs, such as those in welding or plasma cutting processes, can emit intense ultraviolet radiation. This ultraviolet radiation is invisible to the human eye but can be harmful to the skin and eyes.

What kind of workplace risk does noise over 85 dB represent?

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Physical hazards in the workplace are factors or conditions that can cause harm or injury to workers through physical means. Noise is one such physical hazard, especially when it exceeds certain levels. Prolonged exposure to high noise levels can lead to noise-induced hearing loss, which is a significant occupational health concern.

What occupations are most susceptible to biological hazards?

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All of the above occupations are most likely to be exposed to biological hazards. Biological hazards are agents derived from living organisms or their products that can cause harm to human health. These hazards can include bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, toxins, and other microorganisms that have the potential to cause infectious diseases or other health issues.

It is a science and practice known as _______ to continuously anticipate, recognize, analyze, and regulate occupational health hazards in order to reduce the risk of disease or harm to employees.

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Industrial hygienists are professionals who focus on identifying and assessing workplace hazards that can potentially affect the health and well-being of employees. They conduct workplace assessments, air sampling, noise monitoring, and other evaluations to determine the presence and levels of various occupational hazards, such as chemical exposures, biological agents, physical hazards (e.g., noise, heat, radiation), and ergonomic risks.

What workplace risks were found during the Industrial Hygiene monitoring/survey?

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During the monitoring/survey process, Industrial Hygienists use various methods, including air sampling, noise monitoring, ergonomic assessments, and exposure monitoring, to measure and evaluate the levels of these hazards in the workplace. Based on the results, they develop and implement control measures to reduce or eliminate the risks associated with these hazards, ensuring a safe and healthy work environment for employees.


What are the dangers of workers being exposed to hazardous chemicals?

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Harmful chemical exposure in the workplace can pose significant health risks to workers. The exposure to hazardous chemicals can lead to various adverse health effects, including damage to the central nervous system (CNS), heart illnesses, and an increased risk of developing cancer. Workers exposed to neurotoxic chemicals may experience neurological disorders and cognitive impairments. Chemicals with cardiovascular toxicity can have detrimental effects on the heart and circulatory system. Moreover, exposure to carcinogenic chemicals can increase the risk of developing different types of cancer.

What physical risks are acknowledged in industrial hygiene?

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Both extreme heat and extreme cold can have severe consequences for workers' health and safety if not properly managed. Industrial hygienists and safety professionals play a vital role in assessing and controlling these physical hazards in the workplace. They implement preventive measures such as providing proper personal protective equipment (PPE), adjusting work schedules, ensuring proper ventilation and heating systems, and offering training to workers to prevent and manage the risks associated with extreme temperature conditions.

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