FREE CAT4 Practice Test 2 Question and Answers
What exactly is SAS stand for?
Score based on age (SAS) The standard age score is based on the raw score and allows you to compare your students to a broader, nationally representative sample of students their age who took the exam before it was published.
What is an average SAS score?
A SAS (Standard Age Score) is a raw score that has been weighted by the age of the student. With an SAS of 100, the student should be in the middle of their year group.
Which report has teaching and learning implications?
For teachers, the CAT4 individual report gives an in-depth study of each student's findings. CAT4 creates a profile of a student's developed abilities across the four batteries, highlighting their strengths and weaknesses.
Which report do we use to set student goals?
The purpose of this group report is to tell teachers about the skills of a pre-determined group of students – whether a whole year cohort, teaching group, tutor group, or a group of students who share specific criteria, such as students who speak English as a second language.
What is the maximum number of reports that CAT4 can generate?
The correct answer:
In the pattern, which number should come next?
37, 34, 31, 28
The correct answer:
The farmer had a total of 17 sheep. Except for nine, everyone dies. How many more are there?
The correct answer:
What is the value of 20% of $30?
The correct answer:
Which of the planets is closest to the Sun?
Mercury is the planet that is nearest to the Sun. Mercury's orbit is highly eccentric (non-circular), and it comes within 46 million kilometers of the Sun at its closest point and 69.8 million kilometers at its farthest point.
What does CAT4 stand for?
CAT4 is an acronym that stands for Cognitive Ability Test.
Which one is not one of the Batteries?
Verbal, nonverbal, mathematical, and spatial assessment are the four components of CAT4.
How do you calculate a Verbal Deficit?
Correct Answer:
Verbal SAS - Non Verbal SAS
What is CAT4 used for? Pick 3.
Please select 3 correct answers
Correct Answers:
Identifying academic potential
Target Setting
Measuring progress
The CAT4 only benefits educators and not parents.
Correct Answer:
The frequency of the CAT4 assessment is the same for all schools.
Depending on the school or educational institution, the CAT4 evaluation is given more frequently or less frequently.
The test may be given annually at some schools or very occasionally at others.
The CAT4 is a test of cognitive abilities, reasoning, and problem-solving skills.
Depending on the school or educational institution, the CAT4 evaluation is given more frequently or less frequently.
The test may be given annually at some schools or very occasionally at others.