FREE CASAS Math Goals Key Features Questions and Answers


CASAS Math Goals aligns with which set of standards?

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The CASAS Math Goals test is designed to align with CCRS, ensuring that adult learners are equipped with the math skills needed for postsecondary education, careers, and practical applications.

What are the two formats available for the CASAS Math Goals test?

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The CASAS Math Goals assessment can be administered in both digital (online) and traditional paper-based formats, providing flexibility for different learners and testing environments.

What type of math skills does the CASAS Math Goals assessment emphasize?

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The test focuses on assessing math skills in practical, everyday contexts, such as budgeting, workplace math, and data interpretation, rather than theoretical or abstract concepts.

What does the CASAS Math Goals test use to measure learners' progress?

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CASAS uses EFLs, which are federally defined levels, to track progress in adult education programs and identify areas for improvement.

Who is the primary audience for the CASAS Math Goals assessment?

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The CASAS Math Goals test is tailored to adult learners, particularly those preparing for high school equivalency exams, college readiness, or workplace skills development.

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