FREE BTLPT Reading in Spanish Questions and Answers


What is the main idea of the following passage?

Correct! Wrong!

The passage discusses the various impacts of climate change, highlighting it as a significant global challenge.

What does the word "fenómenos" mean in the context of the following sentence?"La frecuencia de fenómenos meteorológicos extremos ha aumentado debido al cambio climático.

Correct! Wrong!

Fenómenos" in this context refers to "events," specifically extreme weather events caused by climate change.

Which of the following best describes the tone of the following passage? "La biodiversidad del Amazonas está en peligro. La tala indiscriminada y la expansión agrícola amenazan la supervivencia de miles de especies que habitan en esta región."

Correct! Wrong!

The tone of the passage is alarming as it discusses the threats to biodiversity in the Amazon due to deforestation and agricultural expansion.

What is implied about the author's perspective on urbanization in the following sentence?"Aunque la urbanización trae desarrollo económico, también contribuye a la pérdida de espacios verdes y al aumento de la contaminación."

Correct! Wrong!

The sentence indicates that while urbanization has economic benefits, it also has negative environmental impacts, showing the author's balanced view.

What can be inferred from the following passage about the effects of technology on communication?"La tecnología ha transformado la manera en que nos comunicamos. Las redes sociales y las aplicaciones de mensajería permiten una comunicación instantánea y global, pero también han cambiado la naturaleza de nuestras interacciones personales."

Correct! Wrong!

The passage highlights that while technology has made communication faster and more global, it has also changed how personal interactions occur.

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