FREE Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering Advanced Manufacturing Questions and Answers


Which of the following applications also makes use of the hobbing process?

Correct! Wrong!

Gears, splines, and sprockets are frequently cut using the machining process known as hobbing. The cutting device is referred to as a hob.

Which of the following is a specific instance of hobbling?

Correct! Wrong!

A unique form of milling called hobing involves making a sequence of cuts with a tool called a hob to create teeth.

The angle between the workpiece's spindle axis and the hob's spindle axis should equal ___ while making spur gears.

Correct! Wrong!

Since the hob contains helical threads, it must be angled with the workpiece in accordance with the requirements before being put into the workpiece. That angle for spur gears should match the hob's helix angle.

As the helix angle of the helical gear, the angle between the spindle axes of the hob and the workpiece must be .

Correct! Wrong!

One must take the gear's helix angle into account when producing the helical gear. The angle between the hob spindle axis and the workpiece spindle axis should be increased by an angle equivalent to the gear's helix angle during hobbing the helical gear.

What is the primary benefit of broaching versus shaping?

Correct! Wrong!

In shaping, achieving full depth necessitates a number of strokes to gradually infeed the single point tool while removing the material in thin layers one at a time. In contrast, broaching uses gradually rising teeth on a cutter called a broach to allow removal of the entire material in a single motion. Some benefits of shaping processes include the inability of broaching to machine surfaces with obstructions.

Which of the following operations can be carried out using broaching?

Correct! Wrong!

Broaching is a preferred method of machining for producing straight through holes of varied shapes and section sizes, internal and external through slots or grooves, external surfaces of various shapes, teeth of internal and external splines, and small spur gears.

Which of the following materials is most suited for roll forming?

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Roll forming can be used to shape both ferrous and non-ferrous metals as well as various non-metallic materials. The two materials utilized in the procedure most frequently are mild steel and aluminum. Roll-formed materials can also be polished, painted, coated, and plated.


What time does spring back happen?

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The elastic limit is the distance beyond which a material will no longer flex under tension. The propensity to assume one's original shape is called springback. As a result, it happens when the material is formed without experiencing stress that exceeds its elastic limit. In order to compensate for spring, materials are frequently overformed before being allowed to "spring back" into the desired profile.

Which of the following is utilized in heavy-duty roll forming as lubricant?

Correct! Wrong!

Heavy-duty roll forming uses soap-like fluids. Extreme pressure-type solutions are employed for high strength alloys, whereas non-ionic type solutions are great for roll forming aluminum and coated components.

Which of the following is best for lubrication when cold and hot rolled steel is formed into rolls?

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The combination of emulsifiers, water-soluble corrosion inhibitors, wetting agents, organic and inorganic salts, and occasionally severe pressure agents gives micro-emulsions some film strength.

If unformed regions are less than ____ wide, the product can be seen to be wavy.

Correct! Wrong!

Unless unformed regions are smaller than 125 mm broad, wide parts have some degree of wave to them. With the use of longitudinal stiffening ribs, waviness or other types of irregularity in broad areas can be avoided.

The material of the workpiece should have a resistance of ____________ for the EMF procedure.

Correct! Wrong!

The resistivity of the metal being produced determines how effectively a magnetic pulse is created. The material's resistivity should be less than 15 micro-ohm-cm for optimal performance.

Which of the following statements regarding EMF is untrue?

Correct! Wrong!

In EMF, unlike other mechanical processes where a tool contacts a workpiece, pressure is applied by a magnetic field. As a result, it doesn't require lubrication, doesn't leave tool marks, and doesn't need to be cleaned up after shaping.

Which of the following statements regarding electrochemical machining is accurate?

Correct! Wrong!

In ECM, material is removed from an anode workpiece (positive pole) and moved to a cathode tool (negative pole) in an electrolyte bath, but instead of being deposited on the cathode, the electrolyte, which flows quickly between the two poles, carries the material away.


Which of the following laws governs the ECM process?

Correct! Wrong!

that metal can be removed from the anode and plated on the cathode via a process known as electroplating, in which the workpiece serves as the cathode and two electrodes are positioned in a bath containing a conducting liquid. ECM makes use of a workpiece as an anode by removing the material.

Which of the materials listed below can be used to create a cathode tool?

Correct! Wrong!

Aluminum, brass, bronze, copper, carbon, stainless steel, monel, and reinforced polymers are among the materials that are widely used in the production of ECM tools. These materials can all be machined with ease.

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