FREE Azure AI Engineer Questions and Answers


Is a branch of machine learning that employs neural networks to simulate and resolve challenging issues.

Correct! Wrong!

Deep learning is a branch of machine learning that employs neural networks with multiple layers to simulate and resolve complex problems. It involves training neural networks on large amounts of data to learn hierarchical representations of the underlying patterns in the data. Deep learning has shown remarkable success in various domains, including image and speech recognition, natural language processing, and many other tasks where the data has intricate structures.

When supervised machine learning is used, the computer forecasts future data based on historical data. The computer learns from its error and performs better the next time based on how accurate the forecast was.

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The process of adapting an LLM for a specific task or domain by training it on a smaller, relevant dataset.

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Fine-tuning refers to the process of adapting a pre-trained language model (LLM) for a specific task or domain by further training it on a smaller and more specific dataset. This allows the model to specialize its knowledge and adapt to the specific patterns and nuances of the target task or domain. Fine-tuning often involves adjusting the weights of the model's layers while keeping the knowledge learned from the initial pre-training intact. This process is common in transfer learning, where knowledge gained from one task is leveraged to improve performance on a related but different task.

You set up an extensive data workload infrastructure. It would help if you used Microsoft Machine Learning Server and Azure HDInsight. You want to launch rx function calls concurrently using RevoScaleR compute contexts. What are the three different computing contexts that the machine learning server supports?

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You launch an application that analyzes the sentiment of data kept in Azure Cosmos DB. You just loaded a lot of data into the database. The information belonged to a client called Geeks, Ltd. You find that Geeks data queries take a while to finish. The answer must be to reduce expenses. What is the best approach to achieving the objective?

Correct! Wrong!

You must create an interactive website to upload photographs and pose several predetermined questions in response to each image.

Which services should you use?

Correct! Wrong!

A type of neural network architecture that is popular in LLM research that uses self-attention mechanisms to process input data.

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The description you provided matches the "Transformers" architecture. Transformers are a type of neural network architecture that gained popularity in various natural language processing (NLP) tasks, especially after the introduction of models like BERT, GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer), and others. Transformers utilize self-attention mechanisms to process input data in parallel and capture relationships between different words or tokens in a sequence, which makes them particularly effective for tasks involving sequential data, such as language understanding and generation.

You have a solution that utilizes an Azure Kubernetes Service cluster with five nodes. There is one N-series virtual computer in the group. Once every day and infrequently on demand, an Azure batch AI operation runs. When the cluster is not in use, you must suggest a method for keeping it configured. The solution may incur no computing expenses. What should the recommendation contain?

Answer: Change the partitioning property

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You are creating an AI-based picture categorization solution in Azure. It would help if you decided which processing platform would enable you to upgrade the logic in the future. Without batching, the answer must have the lowest latency for inferencing. Which compute target should you choose?

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Field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) are a processing platform in Azure that would provide the ability to update the logic over time for image classification, while also providing low latency for inferencing without having to batch.

You are creating an AI system that will examine several millions of images. You must suggest a method for keeping the photos. The answer must be to reduce expenses. Which storage option would you recommend?

Correct! Wrong!

Azure Blob Storage is a highly scalable and cost-effective cloud storage solution that can store millions of pictures. It is designed for storing unstructured data such as images, videos, documents, and logs. Blob Storage offers tiered pricing options based on the frequency of access to the data, allowing you to optimize costs by storing less frequently accessed data in lower-cost tiers. It also offers automatic backup and geo-replication for data durability and availability.

Are composed of layers of interconnected nodes that analyze and transform data, and are modeled after the composition and operation of the human brain.

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Neural networks are composed of layers of interconnected nodes, often referred to as neurons or units. These networks are designed to analyze and transform data, and they are inspired by the structure and functioning of the human brain. The connections between the nodes have associated weights that are adjusted during the training process, allowing the network to learn and adapt to the patterns in the data. Neural networks have been used in various machine learning tasks to perform tasks like classification, regression, and more complex tasks like image recognition and natural language processing.

You intend to roll out an application that can recognize images. The application will use two Azure Blog storage stores called Blob1 and Blob2 to store picture data. You must suggest a security measure that complies with the enumerated conditions.
- Access to Blob1 must be controlled by using a role
- Access to Blob2 must be time-limited and constrained to specific operations

Correct! Wrong!

Is a machine learning technique where a neural network learns to predict outcomes or categorize data using labeled datasets.
Answer: Supervised machine learning

Correct! Wrong!

"Supervised machine learning" is a technique where a neural network (or any other machine learning model) learns to predict outcomes or categorize data using labeled datasets. In supervised learning, the model is trained on input-output pairs, where the inputs are the features of the data and the outputs are the corresponding labels or target values. The goal is for the model to learn the underlying patterns in the data so that it can make accurate predictions on new, unseen data.

A natural language processing program that, by utilizing straightforward pattern matching methods, could carry on a conversation with a person

Correct! Wrong!

ELIZA was an early natural language processing program developed at the MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory in the 1960s. It utilized simple pattern matching techniques to simulate conversation with users. ELIZA is known for its ability to engage in text-based interactions that mimicked a Rogerian psychotherapist, asking open-ended questions and reflecting users' statements back to them. While ELIZA's conversations were quite limited in scope and sophistication, it played a significant role in the history of AI and natural language processing, serving as a foundation for later developments in the field.

To find patterns in a data set, machine learning uses data and algorithms. It can handle smaller data sets and is better suited for simpler jobs. The model's training also doesn't take very long. Deep learning, on the other hand, makes use of artificial neural networks to identify patterns in a set of data. Deep learning, as opposed to machine learning, is better at complex tasks and utilizes larger data sets as opposed to smaller ones. The model's training takes a long period as well. Deep learning is intended for complicated tasks that must be solved well, whereas machine learning can be utilized for smaller, simpler tasks. This is the major distinction between machine learning and deep learning.

Correct! Wrong!

The machine learning technique in which an agent learns to make decisions in an environment to maximize a reward signal. Application of this technique: robotics and game playing

Correct! Wrong!

The technique you're describing is called "Reinforcement Learning." It's a machine learning paradigm where an agent interacts with an environment, learns to take actions to maximize a cumulative reward signal over time. Reinforcement learning is indeed used in various applications, including robotics for tasks like autonomous navigation, and in game playing where agents learn to make strategic decisions to win games.

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