FREE Astrological Sign Compatibility Question and Answers


How would you characterize the following pair the best? Aries and Libra.

Correct! Wrong!

Aries and Libra friendships are frequently cited as a prime example of how opposites attract. A libra is a cooperative and diplomatic sign, while an aries is a socialist. Continue reading to find out more about this unique coupling if it seems improbable.

Which description best fits the following pair? Capricorn and Taurus

Correct! Wrong!

One of the most harmonious Star Sign pairings historically, with strong chances for long-term love compatibility and happiness!

How would you characterize the following pair the best? Gemini and Sagittarius

Correct! Wrong!

These two springtime weather indicators deal with a mix of cold and warm weather patterns that can result in tornadoes, severe winds, hail, snow, and other inclement weather. When Gemini season arrives, the snow has ceased and everyone is in a festive mood.

How would you characterize the following pair the best? Pisces and Cancer

Correct! Wrong!

The relationship between Pisces and Cancer is one of exchanging feminine energies. These energies are Yin or polarity energies. When Pisces and Cancer are at their most sensitive and intuitive, they are kind. Both of them are open and receptive to one another. Cancer is receptive when Pisces adopts a projective air, and vice versa. Pisces frequently takes the initiative, and Cancer is content to follow along. If this couple were a violin duo, Pisces would play the first violin and Cancer would play the second. They are at ease in their roles, which makes Pisces and Cancer more compatible.

How would you characterize the following pair the best? Leo and Scorpio

Correct! Wrong!

An ego clash! Leo’s domineering streak will likely conflict with Scorpio’s dominating approach. It is improbable that one of them will cede authority because both of them desire to be in charge. Because Leo naturally wants to lead and Scorpio naturally wants to be in control, their arrogant attitude further fuels the fire.

How would you characterize the following pair the best? Aquarius and Virgo

Correct! Wrong!

There is very little compatibility between the signs of Virgo and Aquarius. These indications are both intellectual, yet their mentalities and modes of thought are completely dissimilar. There needs to be harmony between theory and practice when the Earth Element of Virgo and the Air element of Aquarius are combined.

How would you characterize the following pair the best? Taurus and Leo

Correct! Wrong!

Though Taurus and Leo are both incredibly emotional, and things between them may often get out of hand, they know how to apologize and make up. In the end, it's difficult to sever the bond of love between Taurus and Leo.

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