FREE ASET Science Question and Answers


A carrot plant differs from a marigold plant because it ______________.

Correct! Wrong!

Carrot plants develop a single, thick primary root known as a tap root, which stores nutrients and helps anchor the plant deeply in the soil. In contrast, marigold plants typically have a fibrous root system, which consists of many thin roots that spread out horizontally.

Which one of these statements, if true, most strengthens Sanjay’s argument?

Correct! Wrong!

Sanjay’s argument is that the uneven output from wind farms means that they can never meet our energy needs. If there was a way to store some of the energy generated for the times when the wind turbines are not able to supply enough, then this might not be true. But if storing the energy is not possible, then Sanjay’s argument is strengthened.

Who is the first astronaut to go to moon?

Correct! Wrong!

Neil Armstrong was the commander of the Apollo 11 mission, which successfully landed on the Moon on July 20, 1969. He became the first human to set foot on the lunar surface, famously stating, "That's one small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind."

Movement, Running, Support, Protection, Shape, Blood cells protection

These functions are part of which system?

Correct! Wrong!

The skeletal system provides support and shape to the body, protects vital organs, and facilitates the production of blood cells in the bone marrow. The muscular system works in conjunction with the skeletal system to enable movement and running by contracting and relaxing muscles attached to bones.

Vinod took two potted plants A and B. He watered plant A with normal water and plant B with salt water for about a week.

He observed the plants after a week. Which of the following observation is likely to be correct?

Correct! Wrong!

Normal water supports healthy growth, while salt water causes dehydration and stress in plants. Consequently, Plant B suffers from wilting and dryness due to the salt.

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