FREE ARRT Radiation and Safety Questions and Answers


What prevents the helpful x-ray beams from exposing people to unwanted radiation when imaging certain bodily parts?

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By limiting the relevant x-ray beam to the area of the body being examined, collimation protects nearby tissue from needless radiation.

Glass barriers and lead shielding are examples of protective barriers. These are not employed while limiting the beam of x-rays. The process of filtering involves using metal filters to capture low-energy x-rays that are released from the x-ray tube. It has no effect on the x-ray beam's restriction. The anatomy being scanned determines the cassette size. The x-ray beam cannot be restricted by it.

Which target interaction results from a cathode electron decelerating?

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Also referred to as "braking" radiation, bremsstrahlung radiation is produced when an incident cathode electron changes course and slows down as it approaches a target atom's nucleus. Target contact brought on by the withdrawal of an inner shell electron from the target is known as characteristic radiation. Compton scattering generates scattered radiation through an interaction with matter rather than the target. An interaction with matter that doesn't result in ionization is called coherent scattering. It is not a target interaction, but rather a photon interaction with matter.

Which radiation-induced biological consequences happen at random?

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Radiation effects with no threshold dose that happen at random are known as stochastic effects. Radiation's main stochastic biological impacts include carcinogenesis and genetic effects. Birth mutations brought on by the fetus's direct radiation exposure are referred to as teratogenesis. After a significant radiation dose, below which the disorder does not show, acute radiation syndrome (ARS) occurs. Hematopoietic, gastrointestinal, and central nervous system responses are the three categories under which ARS falls. These are not haphazard reactions to radiation. Radiation with deterministic effects has a threshold dosage, meaning that no effect will happen below a particular radiation level. They are not arbitrary in any way. One example of a radiation's deterministic effect is cataracts brought on by radiation.

What is the radiation dose equivalent unit of measurement?

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Dose equivalent, or Sv, is a measurement that considers both the type of radiation that caused the exposure and the absorbed dose. Gy is used to calculate air karma and the absorbed dose in matter. Exposure is measured in C/kg, commonly in the air. The conventional unit of absorbed dose is the rad.

Which of the following will assist in lowering the patient's radiation exposure?

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In order to manage patient dosage, proper usage of AEC will guarantee that the right milliampere-seconds (mAs) are employed for the specific body portion. Radiation photoelectric absorption increases with decreasing kVp, adding to the patient's dose. The patient dose will rise exponentially as mAs increases because more photons will be produced in the primary beam. Radiographic grids improve image quality, but they also increase patient dose since more mAs must be used to make up for the grid.

At one meter's distance from the X-ray source, leakage radiation cannot be greater than _________.

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If the leakage radiation is one meter away from the X-ray source, it cannot be more than 100 mR/hr. Radiation that leaves the X-ray tube housing by a path other than the port or window is known as leakage radiation. Ten R/min exceeds the maximum permissible radiation leakage rate. The maximum permissible leakage radiation is 150 mR/min. The maximum amount of permitted leakage radiation is 200 mR/hr.

REM is a unit of measurement for radiation. What is the meaning of REM?

Correct! Wrong!

The term "Radiation Equivalent Man" (REM) is used to describe the amount of radiation that people are exposed to.

It was Roentgen who made the discovery of x-rays. The measurement's unit is not his concern. The phrase "radioactive early management" does not refer to a radiation measurement instrument. The phrase "radiation evolved management" has no acronyms. Radiation is not measured by this.


What is the minimal lead content required for lead aprons, as per the NCRP (National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements) guidelines?

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Lead aprons are required by NCRP to have a minimum of 0.50 mm Pb.

Nothing requires a minimum of 0.75 mm Pb. Lead gloves must be 0.25 mm Pb. Thyroid shield and bucky slot cover must meet the same standards. Lead glasses, which are typically used in extended fluoroscopy cases, must meet a 0.35 mm Pb requirement.

What proportion of the radiation that the general public is exposed to originates from medical and dental sources?

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Ninety percent of radiation exposure received by the general public is from medical and dental sources.

Two percent of radiation comes from consumer goods and industrial exposure, which includes exposure from nuclear power plants. Depending on the uranium content of the soil, radon levels range from 37% to 38%. Cosmological radiation, which makes up around 5% of the radiation, originates from space.

What is the radioprotection principle that states that ionizing radiation should be administered to humans as little as possible, if at all, within the dose limits?

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"As Low As Reasonably Achievable" is what ALARA stands for. It is important to keep this in mind anytime ionizing radiation is used on people.

The symbol for coulomb per kilogram is C/kg. Dose area product, or DAP for short, is a measure of the radiation risk associated with diagnostic x-rays. Focus to isocenter distance is abbreviated as FID.

What is a Radiation Safety Officer's job description?

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Workers will be informed about ALARA programs through briefings and educational sessions scheduled by a Radiation Safety Officer (RSO), and this should happen once a year.

Every quarter, an RSO examines radiation levels. Every year, a radiation safety program is examined. Reviewing radiation levels in restricted and unrestricted regions to make sure they were at ALARA levels is the duty of an RSO.

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