FREE AP Biology MCQ Question and Answers


In the small intestine, which of the following DOES NOT occur?

Correct! Wrong!

Pepsin converts proteins to peptides in the stomach rather than the small intestine. In the small intestine, complete digestion takes place. Fats are broken down by pancreatic lipase into three fatty acids and glycerol.

Which of the following adaptations is least likely to be present in a creature that inhabits a hot, arid environment?

Correct! Wrong!

Water loss is a fundamental problem for species living in hot, arid conditions. Large ears aid in heat dispersion, long Henle loops preserve water resources, and water is stored in fatty tissues. A living thing in a dry environment would not benefit from secretion, which is the kidneys' removal of water.

The following statements about alleles are all true, EXCEPT for

Correct! Wrong!

This claim is untrue because a person with two identical alleles is said to be homozygous for that gene, not heterozygous. Different versions of the same gene called alleles can be present at certain locations on homologous chromosomes.

Which of the following best explains why legumes can thrive in nitrogen-deficient soils?

Correct! Wrong!

Legume plants get their nitrogen from nitrogen-fixing bacteria, which allows them to thrive in low-nitrogen soil. Without nitrogen from bacteria that fix nitrogen, these plants are unable to produce their own proteins.

Which of the following best describes the route a secretory protein will likely take during its synthesis in an animal cell?

Correct! Wrong!

Protein synthesis takes place on ribosomes. Therefore, the word ribosome should come first in the response.

Which of the following statements is the LEAST plausible explanation for the seeming low frequency of mutations, despite the fact that mutations happen at a regular and predictable rate?

Correct! Wrong!

The idea that mutations cause variety in a gene pool is the least likely explanation for why mutations are uncommon. Every gene will eventually change. In a gene pool, this results in a continuous inflow of new genetic information. There is no extra information on the rate of mutations provided by this answer option. Some mutations are modest and only marginally reduce the rate of reproduction.

The small intestine contains villi and microvilli, which aid in reabsorption by

Correct! Wrong!

The small intestine contains fingerlike extensions called villi and microvilli that significantly improve the surface area accessible for nutrition absorption.

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